Calm the storm inside...

Hello Beautiful World!
Hope you are all having a blessed day, peace and love to all.
Just sharing a beautiful song that I love so much while I finish with an Exploring post that I
am working on right now for later today, I hope you like it, but before I go...

Q Goodnight (quasiqua): Sending hugs and well wishes your way. ♥
Lori Novo: Ty Q, some for you too <3
Lori Novo: same*
Lori Novo: not some
Q Goodnight (quasiqua): Or some. LOL
Lori Novo: lol
Lori Novo: no, some is not much
Q Goodnight (quasiqua): LOL
Lori Novo: same or maybe even more :P
Q Goodnight (quasiqua): ♥ :)

This is from yesterday when my friend Q, you remember her from my Beautiful Loves post, well,
she IMed me to say hello and you can't imagine how happy that made me.
Isn't it wonderful my beautiful people? These are the things that make life so beautiful!

Each friend, a star in the sky
to light up my nights.
Each friend is a flower
that makes me smile.
Each friend a blessing

Ok, after attempting to write this little poem, and had to end it with an "Amen" because I couldn't
think of a word that rhymes with "blessing", I leave you for now.
Take care of each other and don't forget to spread the love.

Los Amo,
Lori Novo

Hair - Sky 297 ~ Rezology
Lipstick (Catwa) 020 ~ Glam Affair
African Tribe Makeup (Catwa) ~ Lisa Walker #4
*LODE* Head Accessory - Dream Right Side [white]
Ariskea [Perly] Bohemian Dreamcatchers
Daleth Wrap Top (Maroon) ~ Shi

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