Day at the Library

Save me, O dear Lori !

Hello Beautiful World!

Please meet my new friend Mark Weinberg whom I am starting to believe is my silly twin.
I think we both have the exact same sense of humor and I love it.
Yesterday he made me laugh so much that my jaw and stomach were in pain, I just couldn't stop 
laughing. He really likes to goof around as much as I do and it's been years since I had felt this
comfortable around someone that will play along with my silliness.

Mark is not only the perfect match for my goofiness but he's also a true gentleman, sweet and kind.
He's actually the friend who sent me a beautiful gift the other day and that I promised to show you all
this week.

During the whole time, we spent together yesterday, he kept my Steppenwolf in mind...

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I wanted to show this place to you.
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): You can be here with your Steppenwolf and dance
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): and let me show a place for you two
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): This is a table for two :))
Lori Novo: omg this is so beautiful
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Watch sunset, sip on champagne and talk sweet :))
Lori Novo: tysm for sharing :)
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): It will be much more beautiful with your special man :))
Lori Novo: for sure :))

See what I mean?
He is very respectful of me and my relationship with my Steppenwolf something that many
men don't do. I appreciate and admire this so much from him and I am sure my Steppenwolf 
does too.

During these hard times due to COVID-19 and everything else that is been going around the world, 
it is good to find ways to continue enjoying life with as much laughter as we can get. I don't mind
goofing around as long as I am happy and laughing and having someone else there with me to share
this laughter with, this gotta be the best, I am telling you!
Mark has not only given me one beautiful gift, actually, he's also given me two other ones that I cherish
like gold, that is, all the laughter that he brought to me yesterday and his friendship that I hope lasts
for a very long time.

What continues is the story about our visit yesterday to The Looking Glass Library.
As much as I love to write, I will let this story narrate itself using our chat.
It is funny, goofy, and very long I warn you but well worth reading. ;)

Our goofy encounter started on Tempura Island...

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): welcome to Tempura
Lori Novo: ty :))
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I found a nice place at the top to keep an eye over the whole place
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): The thing is, I am scared of heights and this dinning hall 
doesn't have a perimeter wall ... lol
Lori Novo: you gonna fall
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Sssssh, don't scare me
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Hmmm, these dance balls, they don't work without two people?
Lori Novo: some don't, they don't work even with 2 ppl
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): ha ha
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Threesome I guess, family affair
Lori Novo: yeah, you need the auntie and a close cousin to dance
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Ha ha
Lori Novo: lol
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): At least this one works, but I am on the edge .....
Lori Novo: i am telling u, you gonna fall
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): and I see you down there
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Save me, O dear Lori !
Lori Novo: lol sorry can't do, I don't want to fall too :P
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): omg!!! You too scared of heights
Lori Novo: yup, I mean, of course I am not!
Lori Novo: look, there's a girl on the bridge's roof, she's not afraid
Lori Novo: I think she wants to save you
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Damn, she is courageous. On a sloping roof she is wearing heels
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Or is suicidal
Lori Novo: lol
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I will roll down the other side, hopefully I choose the right side 
to roll down
Lori Novo: fall in the water, I just hope u know how to swim
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): that was scary, I tell you, my heart skipped a beat in real
Lori Novo: lol
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I don't see you joining me on the rooftop, 
because you are NOT scared of heights !
Lori Novo: ok ok, TP me I'll show you that I am not scared at all
Lori Novo: but if u TP me and I fall off I'll be coming after you
Lori Novo: so u better run
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Nah, I won't let you fall
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I don't want the wolf coming after me because 
her lady broke her legs
Lori Novo: lol

Oh, you better believe it!
my Steppenwolf will crush every bone in your body if anything happens to me while I am in your company:P 
After rescuing him and bringing him down safely to the ground all the people in Tempura kept cheering
Thank you, Thank you. (humbly bowing down),
we, then teleported to The Looking Glass, where as soon as we landed...

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Let me fly to the Library, then I will TP you there

Hold it there mister,  but I thought you were scared of heights...
Mark, did you just lie to me??? >:(

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Check out this place ehre
Lori Novo: omg, how do u find all these spots
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): wanderer Ms. :))
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I hope you don't hate books
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Isn't is lovely?
Lori Novo: it is, this place is amazing

No, Mark, I don't hate books of course not, why would you even say that?
Hold on, did you hear something or someone told you something?
Ok, who went with false rumors and told my new friend here that I hate books?
Was it you in the blue shirt eating Flaming Hot Fritos while sitting in front of your computer?
Or was it the lady with the ponytails?
Somebody must have told this man something!
As a matter of fact, I love books, I love them so much that I love smelling them and sometimes
I even go as far as to read them.
Of course, I know how to read, who is saying that I don't?
I know how to read as much as I know how to write, come on people, give me a break... :P

Now my beautiful readers, let's continue with our story...

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Up here
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Ok, I don't know how to get down
Lori Novo: LOL, jump
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): My dear friend, will you catch me if I fall ?
Lori Novo: yeah I'll catch u
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Promise?
Lori Novo: yeah, you can trust me

I move away from the ladder...

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Damn, you are not even at the base of the ladder

Damn, it didn't work! >:(

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Yeah, remember, don't let me climb things. 
Then it will be your responsibility to get me down
Lori Novo: Mark, now go up there again
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Why???
Lori Novo: I need a pic
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Its your turn now
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): because you are NOT afraid of heights
Lori Novo: no, go up
Lori Novo: no silly, u go up again, I take the pic and then u jump and I catch you, I promise

He goes up again...

Lori Novo: ok, JUMP!
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I know, what you are planning
Lori Novo: lol
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): But I am safely down.... hehe

Damn, again it didn't work! >:(

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Show me what you have got.  He he
Lori Novo: watch, I'll go up there and I won't fall
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Big talks .... huh
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): climb the ladder oh brave one
Lori Novo: I'll just fly down
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): That's cheating !
Lori Novo: lol, says who? I am not cheating
Lori Novo: I see no rules, show me the rules
Lori Novo: where are they written?
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): My game my rules
Lori Novo: how do I climb?
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): You can't even climb
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): pushes you up the ladder
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): takes the ladder away
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I so wish, I could have away this ladder in real
Lori Novo: haha
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Hey Lori, how are things up there?

OMG, I hate him so much!

Lori Novo: oh, there's a little mouse up here
Lori Novo: comeee
Lori Novo: look at it
Lori Novo: so cute
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I don't like mouse, they have sharp teeth
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): and they don't like me either
Lori Novo: did I say mouse? I meant a birdie
Lori Novo: awww so cute
Lori Novo: come and see it
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Ooooo birdie. I like birdie
Lori Novo: yay, hurryyy

and he rushes up the ladder.... again.
(Hehehe, master plan in progress)

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Hi
Lori Novo: hi
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): Where did the birdie go?
Lori Novo: what birdie?

and as I push him down...

Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): I knew that was your plan
Lori Novo: lol
Mark Weinberg (markweinberg): We both fell
Lori Novo: ok, I gtg now :(((

No people, I am not a sore loser, I really had to go back home to wash Steppenwolf's dirty socks.
Stop saying that I am a sore loser!

..."and then baby, I was just reading a book and then Mark pushed me from the top
 and I fell all the way down :(  I hit the floor like a sack of potatoes and Mark was just laughing." :(

Thanks for reading! :P
Lori Novo

Credits on Lori
Hair ~ No Work ~ No Match
AG. Siren Eyes Gacha - Catwa - 03
Eye Makeup - WarPaint* Unicorn Tears
MINIMAL - Pearl Long Earrings
~Nerido~ Enigma Dress (Maitreya)
Butterfly - Sveva Headpiece ~ Astralia

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