Exploring Second Life ◆ Light Of The Desert

Welcome to

Surrounded by huge dunes of desert sand in the west and the crystal-blue ocean in the east, 
Nour seems to be secluded. But far from it! It's pulsating with life! 
Traders, travelers, dancers, snake charmers, Bedouins, they all add color to the town.
-Sim Description

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Hello Beautiful World!
Today, I discovered a new land, where the land is covered by an ocean of golden sand.
And where the sun shines on it so passionately that it makes it glimmer.

Soft sand under my bare feet
guides me to a place where nobody has ever been.
Guide me and take me where the crystal waters run
so I can wash away all my sins.

My sweet Steppenwolf accompanies me today. Together we entered this promised land.
A promise to all lovers that any love that enters in will remain tied
heart to heart for all eternity.

The road is long, but long roads always lead to a paradise.

Once we entered, I danced for him and I could feel his eyes, undressing me.
Oh, how can I ever resist his eyes... how can I ever resist his kiss,
I am his and he is mine...
He is all that I want and all that I need...

This is truly one of the most beautiful sims I have seen. Yes, yes I know that I always say that,
but every time I do I really mean it. I get so amazed by the beautiful things our sim owners/designers
create for us to enjoy, that is why it is very important to show some Linden love when we visit these
beautiful places, I know for a fact that all donations are so greatly appreciated and needed, and that no
donation is too small. In the end, it all adds up. ;)

During our visit to this beautiful sim, I got to meet some very interesting people.
I just get so happy when someone will stop to say hello and even chat with me, even if it is just 
for a few minutes, just like BeDeep did. You can see him on the left side of the picture above.

I also had the pleasure of meeting the most interesting hat in all of Second Life.

dipsnife: Hello, are you in need of a hat my friend?
Lori Novo: hi :), I can't see you?
dipsnife: I am a hat, that is all of me there is, all there will ever be
Lori Novo: oh lol, omg you're so cute hat :)))
Lori Novo: all your 4 years in SL you been a hat?
dipsnife: yes 4 years of being a hat
dipsnife: i wander the land looking for a head to sit upon
Lori Novo: lol
dipsnife: 4 years i was born at the hat makers shop
dipsnife: but he discarded me so i roam the wild
Lori Novo: awww. can I please take ur picture?
dipsnife: yea
Lori Novo: ok pose plz
dipsnife: ok
Lori Novo: oh my, what a great pose :P
dipsnife: did you get it?
Lori Novo: lol got it, perfect! :)
dipsnife: ok. good luck in your travels i bid you farewell
Lori Novo: ty hat and take care :)

OMG, don't you just love it?!
I don't know about you but these are the things that fill me up with so much joy
and love for the world and for all the people. I just love all people so much, and hats,
and people with wings, everyone is beautiful, everyone!

I apologize for the ton of pictures I used for this post,
but I didn't want to leave any out, all my pictures are too precious to me
that I don't have the heart to exclude any of them.

My baby, I want to take this tub home, so we can really use it. ;)

Thanks for your visit my beautiful ones.
Keep safe and happy, and go out there and explore, and don't hesitate to say hello to strangers,
you never know, they might be just like me, that with a simple hello, my day turns brighter
and always brings me a big smile. ;)

Los Amo!
Lori Novo

Credits on Lori
DOUX - Julie hairstyle [Brunettes]
Iso Headdress  (copper) ~ Kibitz
Padma Gown (Antique-Pink) ~ Dead Dollz

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