Slipstream's Pure Euphoria!

When love comes to town, it's so cool
Hearts glisten like precious jewels
Forget the challenges, forget the duels
Just Remember one thing our love rules!
-by SlipStream 2014

Hello Beautiful World!
One of the best things in life is when life brings us the gift of a beautiful friendship.
A friendship that doesn't require years or even months to grow into a stage where genuine care
for each other is felt. Some friendships will instantaneously feel it. This is what happened to
my friend Slipstream (slipstream.crescendo) and me the day we met. It is as if we were old friends 
who had reunited in life after many years of being apart.

Slip is a very caring person, he is friendly and polite to everyone he sees and you can't help feeling
comfortable around him because as I said before, he is very welcoming to everyone.
Now I wonder, how come we never met before? He wonders that too. Maybe it wasn't meant
to be until now.  I truly believe that things happen when they are supposed to, not a minute before
or a minute later.

The thing I like the most about my good friend Slip is that he is doing his part to help out 
as much as he can during these hard times by volunteering time to help out at a food bank. 
This is something that speaks volumes about his character. I wish there were more people
like him in the world...

Slipstream (slipstream.crescendo): I've had the pleasure to meet so many kind people in this crisis ... 
it has brought the best out in alot of people
Lori Novo: Yes, if everyone did something to help out, big or small, 
it would make a difference in someone's life for sure
Slipstream (slipstream.crescendo): i agree wholeheartedly

Slip, unlike me who pretends to be a poet, can really write poems as you noticed at the beginning
of this post. Not only that but he can also make music, these are two of his tracks...
Slipstream (slipstream.crescendo): Takes u on sort of journey of discovery

Pretty amazing I'll say! He is super talented.
I truly feel very honored to have him as a friend and maybe one day he'll write me a poem
to share with you all, we'll see. ;)

Now that I have introduced to you another one of my wonderful friends,
I'll leave you with something Slip has in his profile under the Picks section.
Keep safe and happy my beautiful people and don't forget to spread the love around. ;)

Much Love,
Lori Novo

Slips Commitment Scales 
Immersion Levels 1 to 3 
Depending on circumstances some people may have commitment issues 
to relationships based on the experiences the partner is after... Partial is typical.
But may include a full commitment in SL but not outside. 
Sometimes when someone has had level 4  relationship they may revert to safety of level 1 
after being hurt there. They may also believe in free relationships to explore and not be tied down.
Many factors may affect their choice from Escapism to Role Play to perhaps only wanting online
friends as exactly that - Online!

Immersion Level 4 is a goal for a lot of people. Particular those who want perhaps to find "the one". 
It does happen and can happen. But it can also hurt like hell if it goes wrong. 
Sometimes this hurt can be through no fault of anyone but circumstance taking over.

Check out Slipstream (slipstream.crescendo) profile if you'd like to read more about "Slips 
Commitment Scales", "Slips Connections Levels", and "Slips Immersion Level Table: How deep you in?"
Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you. 

Credits on Lori
DOUX - Grande hairstyle [Brunettes]
Earrings - KUNGLERS - Aimee
Outfits - GIZ SEORN - Aria Set

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