Exploring Second Life ◈ Templemore Cove


In a celebration of art, Templemore continues the tradition of offering the greatest musical experience
by opening another beautiful venue. Infusing a historic downtown district with a remarkable 
mix of old and new on beautiful tropical-inspired sim.
-Sim Description


Hello Beautiful World!

Another day to explore another beautiful sim. Unfortunately, my Steppenwolf couldn't accompany
me on this one since we spent all the time at Dust Bunny. We were buying that beautiful kitchen set 
they have that comes with a fridge fully loaded with all sorts of good food. I had wanted that fridge since it first 
came out but never got to buy it until now that my Steppenwolf got it for me as a gift for my
rezz day that is coming up tomorrow, August 29. 10 years in Second Life already, 
who would have thought but then again, who's counting, right?

Anyway, time to remodel our kitchen baby!

Earlier when I visited Templemore Cove I was in awe once things started to rezz for me about 20 minutes 
after I had landed :P It was so bad for me that my friend Sab Kuronja (sabljozubi) even 
offered to take pictures for me for the blog. I thought that was so sweet of him but I was 
determined to not give up even if I had to wait another 20 minutes. Luckily, that wasn't necessary.
Slowly, colors began to appear until the whole beauty of this tropical sim was revealed to me.

Once I could see everything, I had the time of my life...

Look Steppenwolf I can fly!
I know,  I know baby, I need to be careful when I wear short dresses. 
Don't worry my love, I was careful, no one saw my panties I promise you.
I left them at home.

Heck, I even got to smoke some weed. :O
Hahaha so funny, I was just joking omg, you can't take a joke.
Of course, I don't smoke weed.
Babyyyy, don't get mad, it was just pretending for the picture! :P

But really, I had such a great time exploring this beautiful sim.
What continues is the rest of the pictures that I took during my visit. I hope you take some time to
visit and hope you have a great time just like I did.

Los Amo,
Lori Novo

Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you. 
Click On Pictures To View Full Size


Credits on Me
Lamb. Ruby Hair
AG. Siren Eyes Gacha - Catwa - 11
KUNGLERS - Alima necklace
Decoy - Judy Dress: Lime (Floral)
Seniha. Cheryl Platforms


  1. OMG thank you for being so patient and not giving up on taking those pic. "See Bebe I'm not the only one who doesn't let SL lag stop her and you have to take me there Bebe, she grins." Sorry had to add that for the husband as he looks at all I �� on Flickr. But anyways thank you for taking the time to share one of your great explorations with all of us who I am sure have that same issue with things rezz.

  2. Thank you so much for the comment, I really appreciate it,I am sure you and your husband are gonna love this beautiful sim, have tons of fun! <3
