My Rezz Day ♥ 10 Years

It feels like it was just yesterday when my friend Catero Revolution convinced me to join
Second Life. I really had zero interest in ever coming here but Catero kept after me every single day.
One day I said, ok, I'll give it a try just so he would stop bugging me :P

I was really very innocent at the time. It was like I had lived in a bubble
sheltered from the real world and then I walked into Second Life somehow scared. I really had
no intention of staying. The plan was to try it for a few days and then to leave just so Catero
could see that at least I had given it a try.

Right away from day one, I started seeing things that I wasn't used to and it just made me
more fearful of this world. I hated every single second I felt that I was forced to be here. I kept
counting the days till I could be able to tell Catero I had to leave without hurting his feelings.
Many times, too many, I kept running from situations and people, because I was just too scared
of most everything, because most everything was new to me, and because I didn't understand most everything. 
Even simple things would scare me enough to run away, and by this I mean logoff.

Then the day came when I found myself in a situation that not even in my wildest dreams I could
have imagined. That was the day I finally said I had enough, and I left SL with no desire to ever come back. 
I stayed away for some months and suddenly one day I felt that maybe I should give it another chance.
And so, I came back again, however this time, I was prepared for it.

Now, after 10 years I can honestly say that returning to Second Life was one of the best things
that I did in my life. It has helped me in so many ways to grow as a person but not only that,
I have met so many wonderful people from all over the world and it is here, in Second Life that
I met my Steppenwolf, the love of my life.

Thank you Catero for opening my eyes to such a beautiful world,
miss you.

Thanks for reading my beautiful people!
Much Love,
Lori Novo

[monso] My Hair - Meiga
Flowers - Susanne Set (Antique) ~ Bauhaus Movement
Luxe Eyeshadow (Catwa) ~ alaskametro
BLAXIUM -WaxDoll Bodyshine- Materials Appliers

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