Farewell To This Chapter


Hello Beautiful World!
Welcome to another lazy Sunday.
As we near the end of the day
I can't help but wonder what will the new week bring?

For me, each new week is a new chapter, it begins every Monday at sunrise,
and it ends every Sunday, after sunset when I close my eyes to go to sleep.
And I do get very excited each time a new chapter begins because there is still so
much for me to see, like all the beauty in the world and in the faces of all strangers.
And so much I still need to hear, like a new song and the million things my kids will
be sharing with me about their lives, and the new ways Steppenwolf will be telling me how
much he loves me. To have all these things to look forward to is a great blessing.
It is the promise that life gives us as long as we keep breathing, life continues.

If you stop to think for a second and read what has been written about your life
in this week's chapter, you will see how many beautiful things you were blessed with.
Some of these things are so wonderful that your week's chapter could even get a title of its own.
For example, this week I cried so much one night while Steppenwolf held me. It was a night when I was
feeling so sad about the loss of all the friends that I have lost throughout the years.
The next day, two of those lost friends, returned to be part of my life again and I was blessed with
three new ones. Therefore I could easily title this week's chapter "Welcome To My Heart".
Now tell me, what is the title for yours?

Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you. 

Now that we come to Sunday what we need to do is embrace and be thankful for the accumulation
of all the wonderful moments that we got to experience during the week. Moments that might have made us cry perhaps, but sometimes, even those moments are necessary to help us appreciate
what we have. And moments that might have made us smile and feel happy and thankful for even the
little things in life that so many times we take for granted. For me for example, being able to hold
a glass of water to drink when I feel thirsty, many people don't realize that for some people, 
the simple task of holding a half-full glass is painful and sometimes impossible. I am thankful
when my hands are strong enough to do this.

So farewell to this beautiful chapter that is about to end,
You came and let me experience moments that came as blessings or/and lessons
that will help me grow and appreciate more the life that I have and everything in it.
And in this new chapter that will begin tomorrow at sunrise, I await with an open heart.
I thrive to make it as beautiful as I can so at the end of it, once again I have a perfect
title for it.

Thanks for reading my beautiful people!
Much Love,
Lori Novo

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  1. Life works in mysterious ways.....My eyes are so red from crying, my chest full of pain, and my heart is just so filled with despair and loss. Then I come to your page, I click on your Blog and I read....as im reading I have a cold bottle of water in my hand, and your statement made me just stop and think. While life has thrown me an incredibly hard existence right now, I need to do as you say....and take it one week at a time. Each day, each sunrise, each week brings us opportunity, hope, and a new canvas to paint on. Thank you Lori, you may have saved me today. May God bless and keep you safe, healthy, happy and wise. Charly <3

  2. Dear lynncass, thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate it so much. Please know that we are never alone. Even in our darkest moment, there is always something that will give us hope and the strength that we need to keep going. When I am at my lowest in my depression, or my body is in too much pain to even take a couple of steps or brush my own hair, I try to find something that will give me the strength that I need, and I always do find something. Sometimes it is a happy memory that helps me. Sometimes is looking outside my window and seeing how the birds will fly and sing again after a storm. Sometimes even hearing a child's laughter brings me so much hope. There is a light always, always dear friend, it is a light that let us know that bad things don't last forever and that we are stronger than all the pain and all the darkness, and that life goes on and that things will get better and that you are loved, and you are a beautiful part of this world.
    God bless you and sending you a HUGE hug your way dear lynncass! ♥ Much love to you.

    Lori Novo
