Sweet Day, Sweet Dreams

My heart recognizes this place as one of the places that once brought me some of my happiest smiles.
Yet sometimes what once made us smile can then cause us so many tears.
Still, the memories are beautiful and well worth lived.
No regrets for the moments, only for the way things end.

It is close to 1a.m. as I write these words to you.
I am sitting in this beautiful sim, which continues to be one of my favorite ones 
and which is very special to me. 

Soon I'll go to sleep and dream about my Steppenwolf whom I adore, I hope he is dreaming of me 
right now. ;) Oh, how I wish he was here with me at this very moment dancing to the music of this beautiful 
tango that is playing in the Ocho Tango Cafe, not too far from where I am.

Only one couple dances there at the moment, and I am the only other person in the sim,
I love this peaceful solitude after a beautiful day of getting sweet surprise after sweet surprise.
Yes, my day was sweet, made two new friends, Aunt Flo & Mark, and received a beautiful gift
 from one of them. I'll show you soon my gift ;)

Now, I'll go and lay me down to sleep,
and pray the Lord, my soul to keep,
If I should die before I 'wake
I pray the Lord, my soul, to take.

Goodnight Beautiful World!
and she closes her eyes...

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