Exploring Second Life ◈ Frogmore

Woah come with me now!


"I am are excited to share with you my new Frogmore 3.0 
inspired by my visits to Cornwall England and designed by Terry Fotherington.
There are many new things to see and do at Frogmore and we hope you will stay awhile."
-From Notecard


Hello Beautiful World!
Ready for another beautiful sim to explore?
In that case, Woah come with me now!

But before we venture in, how about my new look? 
Am I not looking gorgeous here or what? ;) HA, got you!

This is my good friend Darren (darrencamil.chronowire) who spent some time with me while I
visited this beautiful sim. When I asked him if I could take his picture he said sure but before he 
needed to change his shirt. Huh? But why? Why hide those strong arms, right? One thing about
Darren is that every time I see him he reminds me of my mother. You see, my mother was born in
the same state in Mexico where he was also born, Jalisco Mexico,
AYAYAY, VIVA MEXICO! I don't know why but I have a suspicion that he might be single 
and ready to mingle just like a pringle ;) But then again, don't believe everything I say. :P

As you might have noticed by now, sometimes I like inviting a friend to accompany me
on my explorations. And yes, for what it looks like it is always a male friend. This is truly not
my fault. You have no idea how hard it is to get female friends in SL for me especially ones that will
accept my invitation to join me in exploring. They usually give hundreds of excuses 
like I need to wash my hair, sorry, doing my nails, I haven't shaved so..., etc. :P

On the other hand, my male friends are always up to wherever I want to go which is great,
and honestly, I don't mind roaming with the boys at all, I really feel like one of them but just not as ugly.
Just kidding, omg, it was just a little joke :P  VIVA LOS BOYS! and me tambien.

But seriously, Frogmore has to be one of the most beautiful sims I've seen and yes I said this
before many times with other sims but it's because it is true every time.

When you first land at the landing point you immediately go WOW, I am serious.
 Just the landing point itself will take your breath away. and then as you make your way down the path 
that leads to the village you realize that you might have just walked into a painting. The
beautiful WLS they chose to use for the sim truly makes everything seem like it has been painted
by an artist's paintbrush. I am saving for sure the WLS for future use, thank you!

As you continue walking down/around the path, you start noticing all these beautiful spots
which you just got to stop and take them in. At this point, you still have no idea what a wonderful
surprise awaits you once you reach the village. What you've seen so far has been
something so minimal and small, yet just as beautiful as the grand finale. Honestly, the grand finale
is grand but it has been kept hidden from the visitor's eyes.

Finally, you reach the village and you find yourself amazed by its size and you can't help
but wonder where did all these come from. It really surpasses all your expectations.

By the way, this is my favorite picture of all the ones I took. ;)

Darren & Lori

I leave you for now my beautiful people, but before I do, I want to give thanks again to my
friend Darren, who I am hoping he'll accompany me again in my explorations.
Please don't forget to show some Linden love during your visit, as I always say, 
all donations big or small are always so greatly appreciated.

What continues is the rest of the pictures that I took.
Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear from you. 
Click On Pictures To View Full Size

Much Love,
Lori Novo

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