New Monday's Resolution


Hello Beautiful World!
Hope you all are having an amazing Monday. It is the start of a new week and it is in your hands
to make it an amazing one. I've been thinking that every Monday we should start practicing something
new to improve ourselves as humans. These practices that I have in mind are not things from out of this
world but they are actually pretty simple and anyone can do them if they are willing to put in the effort.
They are like kind of the New Year resolutions we all make every year but these will be every Monday
resolutions. Do you like the idea? It'll be fun to do them together and by the end of the year, for sure
we will be better humans than how we are right now.

For our first Mondays' resolutions let's begin with something very simple and that is to restrain ourselves from
lying. Now, as we all know, lying is a very nasty thing that most of us do from time to time. Even white
little lies are not allowed. Let's mark this day as the day we are no longer lying or at least try not to
lie. Remember that anything under the sun can't stay hidden forever and the truth will always surface at
the end. Also, what starts as a little lie, will create a chain of new lies resulting in a big hot mess at the end. 
Those innocent, little lies are the ones that trap us since they seem so harmless. It usually starts with a little 
one but that little one usually will require another just to sustain it and so the whole thing will just continue 
to grow and grow until we find ourselves too deep in and with a long list of notes we had to take just to keep track of 
what we been saying, now is that really worth it? I say not! So next time instead of making a lie to answer some 
questions that we really don't feel comfortable with, let's just be honest and say, 
"I plead the fifth", because there's more respect in that than ending up giving a lie.

Keep it wholeheartedly my beautiful people!
Much Love,
Lori Novo

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