

Hello Beautiful World!
Last night Steppenwolf and I spent some time at Tempura Island, 
the place where we met almost eleven years ago and I became his forever love.
I am truly blessed to be his forever love in both worlds. 

Many times the people in our lives will change, they come and go, just like the seasons.
However, unlike the seasons, the same people may not return again but will move on in a
different direction, leaving behind only memories. But sometimes, maybe once in a lifetime,
there will be one very special person that will stick around and hold on tight to your heart,
protecting it with all their will.

Steppenwolf is that very special person for me. The one that stuck around and never let go.
I feel his love for me as strong as I felt it at the beginning, if not, even stronger.

He calms the storms in me.
Only he knows how.
He knows how I want to be touched,
how to be kissed,
when I need to be held
strong or gentle.
Only he knows how I need to be loved,
with the fury of a stormy sea
or the gentleness of a whisper...

Only he can say my name and make it sound like a beautiful melody.
Only he can look into my eyes and let me see heaven in his.
Only he can place a smile on my face that won't stop for hours and hours
because he makes everything beautiful for me
every moment, 
every day...

He is my hero.

Lori Novo

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