Para Ti Mi Linda Madre!

A Dedication

Hello Beautiful World!
Today is the Day of the Dead and I am celebrating my beautiful Virita, my mother.
Also my grandmother, my brother, Victorita and Steppenwolf's mother, and George's mom.
May all rest in peace.

My mother was a happy person, beautiful both inside and out. She loved to sing and listen to
Mexican music. Linda Ronstadt's, Canciones De Mi Padre, were her very favorite ones.
Yesterday I put up a Dia De Los Muertos altar for her in our Second Life home, and today I sang 
her all these songs she loved so much...

On her altar, I added everything that I could find of the things she loved in life. I was sad not to
be able to find everything but next year I am really hoping to have every single item.
I put her tamales Veracruzanos, cokes and cigarettes, and even a small Christmas Tree since 
Christmas was her favorite holiday. However, the Christmas Tree was a simple branch in
memory of the Christmas Tree that she would decorate for me as a child. I also made sure to add
a cd radio since she would spend hours listening to her collection of CDs while she would be
making rosaries out of yarn, and yes, I also added yarn to the altar.

Me acuesto pensando en ti
Y en el sueño estás conmigo
Y me siento tan feliz
Al soñar que estoy contigo...

I too love to sing.
The song above reminds me so much of my mother and it is always so hard to sing it.
However, this next song, Hay Unos Ojos, is truly the hardest one for me. It is the one song that
I always break down crying because every word in the lyrics reminds me of my mother's beautiful 
eyes that I can't see anymore. There was so much love in them, so much peace...
Every time I sing this song, I get so choked up but I keep singing while my eyes 
are filled with tears.

Hay unos ojos que si me miran
Hacen que mi alma tiemble de amor
Son unos ojos tan primorosos
Ojos más lindos no he visto yo

Ay, quien pudiera mirarse en ellos
Ay, quien pudiera besarlos más
Gozando siempre de sus destellos
Y no olvidarlos nunca jamás...

This is a day of celebration so now let's change the mood and play some of her other favorite songs.

Bajo la sombra de un árbol
Y al compas de mi guitarra
Canto alegre este huapango
Porque la vida se acaba
Y quiero morir cantando
Como muere la cigarra...

Pero si vieras
Cómo son lindas estas borracheras
Y ándale...

Thank you so much for your visit my beautiful people.
I continue now with my mother's celebration on my own.

Lori Novo

tram J0731b hair / HUD-A ● Euphorie - Maya Earrings ● [hh] Tamy Dress

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