A Month For Dedications

Dedicated to my mother Virita, my grandmother Carmelita, Victorita, and my brother.

Hello sweet November! So good to see you again.
And Hello Beautiful World!

I begin this month dedicating it to my mother's memory, my buelita Carmen, and my brother.
And also to Victorita, a sweet old lady that more than a neighbor to me and my siblings,
she was like a grandmother.

“People you love never die. 
They don't die. Not completely.
They live in your mind, the way they always lived inside you. 
You keep their light alive. If you remember them well enough, 
they can still guide you, like the shine of long-extinguished stars 
could guide ships in unfamiliar waters.”
― Matt Haig

Welcome, this is
Patzcuaro e Isla Janitzio Michoacan Mex.

Sim Description
Dia de Muertos 2022 this year presents Patzcuaro and Isla Janitzio Michoacan Mexico, 
one of the most representative sites on this important date, with exhibitions and all the information 
on the Purepecha culture, its Day of the Dead traditions, and more. 
The event is open from October 1st to November 3rd.

So this beautiful sim will be closing on November 3rd, thank God I got to visit it before it is gone.
I did get to visit it back in 2020 and it was totally different from how it looks this year. I
wonder why I missed it last year, hmmm?


Today in the afternoon I set a Dia de Los Muertos altar for my mother in Second Life. I'll
show you all some pictures tomorrow for sure. Well, this is all for now my beautiful people.
Really just wanted to welcome this month by visiting a beautiful sim dedicated to 
our departed loved ones.

Much Love,
Lori Novo

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