Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?


"I'd like to know that your love
Is love I can be sure of
So tell me now, and I won't ask again
Will you still love me tomorrow?"

Hello Beautiful World!
You caught me armed with my "SLS Scoop n Score Pooper Scooper" that I got for free
at the Scoop N Score, SLS HG Interactive Maze Hunt.
You can say I am seriously armed and dangerous and ready to get my hands stinky dirty, literally!

But what is an abandoned wife to do when her husband has been away not one day, or two, or three?
(God, I already lost count) but to go to Second Life's underground sewers in search of treasures.
 Anyways, my Steppenwolf has been away for several days now visiting his
brothers and spending some good time with them ;) and hopefully, he'll be back by tomorrow,
OMG I can't wait!!!

Before venturing in, I had to get myself fully prepared for the challenge.
First, get familiar with the sewer's many tunnels, 
manholes, not men hoes, but I wouldn't be surprised if
you run into one or two of those as well :P) pumping stations, and so on. 

Second, equipped myself with adequate gear for the task, 
a "SLS Scoop n Score Pooper Scooper" as I mentioned before that you can grab for free 
at the landing point. Also, baby wipes just in case you get dirty.

Once, feeling both, physically and mentally prepared, I begin the task at hand.
Keep in mind that every time one of Second Life's residents flushes their toilets, all, 
and I mean ALL comes right down here. 
Hmm, just a thought, you know how they say sometimes dogs resemble their owners?
Imagine if that was also the case with poops! :O
"OHHHH, that one is mine. I can see the resemblance!" :P

I am not going to lie, at first, the smell was pretty unbearable, but after a few minutes,
I got used to it, so much that it just smelled like farts. Not mine of course, more like Steppenwolf's
because I never fart (wink wink).

Babyyyyy, don't get mad, it was just a joke!
I know you never fart either (wink wink) and I am sure that if you ever do, they'll smell like roses. ;)

Anyways, my tummy began to rumble, and heard what sounded like a very soft, 
beautiful thunder coming from behind me and...

AHHH, those damn jalapeño nachos I had last night!

While I was busy at the sewer's  office (wink wink) I found a newspaper next to the toilet paper that
mentions the list of Second Life's best designers that so graciously are participating in the
hunt (Thank you designers! )
and how many poops each designer contributed to the cause.
Mmm, I wonder if they also had jalapeño nachos for dinner like I did. :P
Some designers made up to 17 and 20 "office" stops, maybe those are the ones that
asked for extra jalapeño, but good for us because all their poops contain GREAT prizes.

The poops are very easy to spot, that even I was able to find.
They can be anywhere! But if you still are having a hard time finding them
I can give you a very effective clue to their locations, "Follow Your Nose!"
Sniff SNIFF Sniff

The Hunt will run for all the month of May til the 31st.
Remember, poops are what you are looking for.
Poops are FREE and there's no need to join any group to participate.
And below is the list of poops.

A Fantastical Notion:  3 Poops
Artemisia:  4 Poops
ASH:  2 Poops
Bison:  Sale
Blue Blood:  1 Poop
Celeste:  8 Poops
Cerridwens Cauldron:  4 Poops
ChiMia:  20 Poops
CIRCA Living:  3 Poops
Dirty Rat:  1 Poop
DOBS:  1 Poop
Dreamcatcher:  5 Poops
Drunken Brokkr:  17 Poops
Evado:  5 Poops
Ersch: 4 Poops
Evil Baby:  1 Poop
Fallen Gods Inc:  1 Poop
Germinal:  9 Poops
Grasshopper St.:  6 Poops
Harmony:  3 Poops
Hellbourne:  1 Poop
Krova:  4 Poops

Left Hand Path:  2 Poops
Libertine:  1 Poop
Lore:  1 Poop
Merge:  1 Poop
Nefekalum:  1 Poop
Normandy:  4 Poops
Oblivis Solem:  3 Poops
Random Matter:  3 Poops
Six Feet Under:  1 Poop
Tea Lane:  7 Poops
The Art of a Rose:  3 Poops
Unholy:  1 Poop
Web Dew:  8 Poops
Whats Lost Spirits:  4 Poops
Wraith:  6 Poops
Wyld Wynter:  8 Poops
Zen Child Designs:  3 Poops
Zibska: 4 Poops

But we are not done yet.
As my poop adventure in the sewer continued, I had a few slips but nothing a few baby wipes 
couldn't clean. But then I began to feel very dizzy due to all the fumes I was inhaling that
I almost passed out as I fell into the stinky, dirty sewer water where I almost drowned.
Thankfully to a pair of socks that were floating next to me, I was able to hold on to and that's 
how I saved my life.

"Promise me you'll survive. That you won't give up, no matter what happens, 
no matter how hopeless. Promise me now and never let go of that promise."

Mmm, just pretend Rose is the socks speaking and saying "Loriii, Loriiiii, there's a t-shirt Lorii..."
and I am Jack.

Oh yeah, don't forget to take a face mask! :P

I did come back from under the water,
covered in poop from head to toe but happy with all the designers' poops I had collected in my
back pocket. I was victorious! A true winner of one of the greatest poop challenges in the history of
Second Life and not a giver-upper even though I almost lost my life in the darkness of Second Life's
underworld, where all the poops come together and live there forever.

Once back home,
I knew I needed a bath, bad, but I was too tired that I went right to sleep, all comfy and safe,
on Steppenwolf's side of the bed because I miss him so much. :(
Tomorrow, he'll be back to hold me, tight and lovingly, and if he mentions any smell I'll just say...

"Baby, I think you just farted!"

Credits On Me
[monso] Gwin Hair ● [POM] Nina Earrings ● KUNGLERS - Silene Rings
Clef de Peau.Ginta Top Tweed Rose ● Clef de Peau.Ginta Shorts Rose ● [Dazzling] Astrid Platform Boots

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