From The West Coast of France


Hello Beautiful World!
Yesterday, I visited for the second time the beautiful sim I used for my chicken adventure
the other day but on this occasion, it was to explore the land.

Welcome this is CAILLOU (Moderate)

Sim's Description
Far away from the West coast of France lies this group of islands called Caillou Bouillon 
(Pebble Broth). It was shaped by the forces of nature in the past, and even today the wind, 
waves, and tidal currents dictate nature and the villager's lives.

Today I won't be writing, the text that follows was taken from the note card you will receive
upon arrival at this beautiful sim. Also, I have included tons of pictures for you that you can
click and view in larger sizes. Enjoy!

Caillou Bouillon (Pebble Broth) is an archipelago close to the French West coast.
It consists of hundreds of small, rocky islands. The tides are strong in this corner of the Atlantic ocean,
and most of the islands are flooded at high tide and appear again when the tide falls.

Nature and the few people living on the islands have adjusted to the rhythm of the water,
but visitors sometimes are surprised by how fast the water rises.

You can actually experience the tides in this region. In a cycle that takes two hours, the tide rises and
falls. Look for a board that shows the water height in real time, so you know what to expect. You're
welcome to explore the village and the tidal flats around it and to invite your friends and take pictures.

This region was built by Iska (Sablina) and Sominel Edelman.
June 2023.

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