New Dress Code


And to think that once I wrote a very long Shopper's Guide where I shared all the steps I took
to prepare every weekend for the best and easiest shopping experience.
Welll, today I stand before you singing to another tune. Hey, a girl has the right to change her mind at anytime! :P
But before we get into that, let us join あやめ (ayame.musashi) in this dance to really get in the mood. ;)

You go girl! 

Our beautiful new friend あやめ (ayame.musashi) comes to us from Japan and she's been part of
our Second Life for over 19 years. She is also the owner of Combat: Samurai Island (C:SI), Musashi
Blades, and Co-Owner of Bell & Whistle (MarketPlace).

"The Devil is in the Details!
ʇɐɥɔ ʇɥƃiɯ ǝʍ 'sʎɐs siɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ ʇno ǝɹnƃIɟ oʇ ɥƃnouǝ ʇɹɐɯs ǝɹɐ noʎ ɟI"
-From Her Profile

OMG, I was able to read her upside-down message on the first try. I am so smart!
OUCH, my poor neck! :p
Anyway, here are three of the attachments あやめ (ayame.musashi) was wearing when I took her pictures.
HEAD / lel EvoX RYN 3.1 - [BODY] Legacy - DOUX - IU Hairstyle

Now getting down to business. Do you remember the part in my Shopper's Guide article where it said,

Well, I still believe that is a very good tip, but then it got me thinking...
Shouldn't I dress better and look my best when I go out shopping every weekend since that is
the time when most people are out taking advantage of all the great sales and I'll be seeing a lot 
more people than usual? Not only that but the possibility of running into friends and haters while
shopping on those weekend days is very high. Plus, it also feels great when we are noticed by
other people...

Now, I am like the following video when I walk into a store.
"Make way people, I am here, keep looking as I pass you by!"


Anyway, I will have to make a new Shopper's Guide, because now that I changed my mind
about the dress code just doesn't apply to half of what I had written before. :/
By the way, I did buy one of the dresses behind me from the Happy Weekend 60L$ sale
at 718 MAINSTORE (Moderate). Can you guess which one I got?
I will give you the answer at the end of this post on Read More.

This is all for now my beautiful people.
Stay safe and happy and don't forget to wear your most beautiful smile.
Much Love,
Lori Novo

:: pm :: Harper Set
(Yummy) Chandelier Curated Earrings
Model & Photographer: Lori Novo

Designer Poulet KoenKamp ● My :: PM :: Inventory ● My :: PM :: Blog Posts

ANSWER to which dress did I buy:
The green zombie girl

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