Still Unwritten


Hello Beautiful Monday!
I always wait for you feeling so excited
for all the beautiful moments that I will be experiencing and all the new people 
that I will be meeting this week. 

You are the beginning of the week; all beginnings are beautiful.
Beginnings bring forth hope and a willingness to try, do, and be better.
Today, you are a blank sheet of paper where I can write the best story ever
using words that hopefully can bring joy, laughter, and inspiration to others,
what a beautiful privilege that is. I feel so honored. Thank you!

This is the beginning of my story, a story that is written week by week.
Each blog post is a chapter to this week's story.
And by Friday, this week's story will be finished with a happy ending, I just know it. ;)
And then I get to do it all over again next week, and the next, and the next...

So according to Flickr, Truth Hawks (Truth Hair Designer) was the person 
I had the most interaction with last year.
Why not? Truth and I go way back and I mean waaaay back. Truth hair was the first
hair I bought when I first started Second Life and the only hair that I keep wearing for years to come.
I remember the great 75L$ sales he used to have back then on all hair, including new releases.
We are talking about eleven - twelve years ago. It is great to see how his generosity to his customers still continues by providing beautiful group gifts to all his group members, not to mention the great weekend 100L$ hair sales 
you can find every weekend that earn you store credit with every purchase that you make. Thank you Truth! 

But going back to Flickr, I have a love-hate relationship with it.
I even divorced it once back in July 2023, remember? [Filing Divorce Papers!]
It was so bad that for the first time ever since 2011, last year was the most inactive Flickr year for me.
I tried as much as I could to stay away because by simply opening the page I was bombarded
with so much anxiety.

The proof of this is in the numbers you will find in MyFlickrYear2023 status report
where you will notice all numbers are very low in every category.

But while the numbers are low on my Flickr, my blogger status went up. :P
I went from #17 last year to #15 this year.

The best Second Life Fashion blogs from thousands of blogs, websites & influencers, and the web 
ranked by traffic, social media followers & freshness.

This is all for now my beautiful people. It has been a while since I posted a MONDAY MORNINGS
blog post for you which I love to do since I bring them to you from the comfort of my home. ;)

Til next time, take care everyone!
Much love,
Lori Novo


WINGS-HAIR-ER0729 Red (Pack)
LaGyo_Luisita Headband
ME Rain Earrings v2
:: pm :: Coco Set
Model & Photographer: Lori Novo

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