
Estimated Time it Took to Take-Edit This Picture; Almost Three Hours
Anxiety Level During-After I Was Done: 100%

I find myself questioning and regretting almost everything I've been posting on my blog
for a while now. At the moment I feel discouraged...
Maybe tomorrow, it will come back to me.


  1. Justice LittlebootsJune 8, 2024 at 5:13 PM

    I look forward to your posts Lori - and am happy to see you back. Always thought provoking and for me, totally relatable .... You wouldn't be human if you never questioned or doubted - but trust your instincts .... and just go for it! <3

    1. Thank you so much Justice for your beautiful and kind comment, so much appreciated! It really fills me with such joy and inspiration to continue my blogging. HUGS! <3
