My Weekend With Truth

Hello Beautiful Second Life and Happy Saturday!
I am so excited to see what great specials our great designers have prepared for us for this
weekend. One that I look forward to is TRUTH who never seems to fail to spoil us every weekend
with his beautiful hair creations at a price that is so hard to resist, only 100L per pack. I bet he is
one of the top designers that everyone goes crazy about during the weekend sales.
As far as I can remember he has always been very kind and generous to all of his customers.
Not only that, he gives us the chance to earn store credit with every purchase that we make, including
on-sale items. Here I am wearing one of the two hairs Truth has on sale for this weekend
TRUTH Angel - Brunette
Be sure you check for any store credit that you might have not only at Truth's but at other store
locations you visit, you'll be surprised, believe me. Now, HAPPY SHOPPING EVERYONE! 

By the way, the dress that I am wearing is another one of the items that are on sale this weekend.
I do love it except that it shows a lot of butt cheek. Please make sure you try a demo before
purchasing it. ;)

VAEL : NEW YOU Shadow & Liner - Pack
WarPaint* Glow-on Blush [EvoX]
HANII - Picnic Day (PD001) Dress
Model & Photographer - Lori Novo 

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