Spying Horizons

Hello Beautiful World!
Lately, I have been inspired by the songs I listen to for my photography.
Have I finally broken free from the expectations and rules that had been placed on my work?
I think I have!

Now, as you can see I am taking a U-Turn with my blog to its origins. That's
when I would freely blog whatever I wanted and not care to follow rules or give importance to numbers.
Numbers have never really mattered to me but they were a crucial requirement from some of my
sponsors. I did get removed a few times by some sponsors because my pictures were not getting the
number of stars/faves required. Not only was there a number required but also the required number
came with an expected time period.

Thankfully, most of my sponsors were not that strict and appreciated the effort I was putting into my
work. Now that I feel I am back to my blogging after that short pause I recently took, I have decided to
navigate solo. In other words, I don't think I'll be collaborating with any designers for now.
I just want to blog only when I am truly inspired to do so.

Today's song selection is an old song that I have used on many occasions in the blog because
I love it so much. The lyrics are truly beautiful. I tried to match my pictures to what the song is about.
by listening to the song straight from Youtube you can see the lyrics translated to English.

My location today was at the White Dunes Estate (Moderate) 
I'm planning on returning sometime soon, maybe with my Steppenwolf, and doing an Exploring Second
Life blog post with tons of pictures to share with you. It is just so beautiful and peaceful there.

And speaking of a peaceful...
I was in much need of that after the scary day I had yesterday. 
Let me share with you what happened;

So my daughter called me around 5P.M. and when I answered her call she was crying, terrified.
what happened is that her father had gone to pick her up from school and on the way home,
as they were driving on the freeway, the car stopped! It just stopped right in one of the middle lanes
right on the freeway where the speed limit is I believe 70 - 75 miles per hour in heavy traffic, including

The car just went dead and they couldn't turn on the emergency lights or lower the windows or anything.
All they could do was open the doors, however, they really couldn't because of the heavy-fast traffic
all around them. As my daughter was talking to me, in panic, I could hear people honking and breaking
and the continued traffic passing by.

I was trying to calm her down, but I was losing it, I was too terrified. She kept closing her eyes every
time cars kept approaching them at high speeds, waiting to get hit. Her father had called 911 so all they
could do was wait, and pray. Finally, a sheriff arrived and stopped his car behind theirs with the
emergency lights on to alert traffic. However, the situation was still very dangerous, they all could get
hit at any moment.

All this time my daughter was crying and screaming and I was trying so hard to calm her down.
Finally, more help arrives and they were moved to safety. A very nice young man also stopped to help
with the situation and tried calming her down and even gave her water to drink. I stayed with my
daughter on the phone but by then, I kept feeling like I was going to faint. I was shaking uncontrollably
but I had to keep strong for my daughter that still needed me. She couldn't stop crying. 

Once calmed, my daughter hung up the phone, then I broke down. I cried and cried
thinking how scary and dangerous the situation had been. It was truly a miracle that they weren't
hit and no one got hurt or worse. 

I was so thankful to God for protecting my daughter, to the sheriff that put
himself in danger to protect them, and for the young man that stopped to extend a helping hand. 
God bless them!

By the time I went to bed, I was still in shock.
My daughter called me today and she said that a few days ago, she and her friends had been talking about
their worse fears and my daughter had described to them exactly what happened to her yesterday.
That was my daughter's worse fear, and it happened, and she survived it!

Thanks For Reading!
Lori Novo

Blown Away ~ Exile ● MICHAN - Leanne Anklets - Gold ● Let Yourself Bloom Tattoo (Omega Applier) ~
PurpleMoon Creations (Store Closed) ● Insomnia Glam Sexy Dress ● FOXCITY. Bebe Bento Pose Set

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