Japonica Day & Night

Hello Beautiful World!
Japonica has to be one of the most beautiful Second Life events I enjoy visiting. This beautiful event
opened in 2015 after the Kimono Market ended. Its goal was to keep providing the Japanese
community not only kimonos but other things as well, like accessories, poses, furniture, etc.

This current Japonica ends on July 21 / Gallery

On this occasion, I visited Japonica twice to experience in both, day and night. Night was best for me
because of all the lights shining so bright. Not only that, I was listening to beautiful Japanese music on
Youtube while I was there and it just elevated my experience to the max making me feel as if I was
really in some part of Japan.

I have to say though when I visit shopping events I rarely buy anything. I usually go just
to see what's new out there just to keep up with the new trends. However, this time I fell in love
with the beautiful kimono that I am wearing from *:..Silvery K..:* that I just had to get it.

Mesh Kimono (Sparkle Lace) Brown

This beautiful kimono is available in 6 colors and includes the shoes.
●100%original mesh.
●For Maitreya Lara and LEGACY Mesh Body.
● Soes with HUD
●7 Fat Pack bonus colours in total, with the addition of Navy and White.
●Copy OK / No Modify /  No Transfer

*:..Silvery K..:* In-World ● MarketPlace ● Flickr Fan ● Designer: Gin Fhang  My Silvery K. Inventory

My favorite thing from this particular event, besides how it is always so wonderfully decorated, it's
the people that visit it. I find the Japanese community absolutely beautiful, especially their attire.
If I must say, on this occasion, it was crybebe77 who took my first place for my favorite look.
She looked stunning in her beautiful kimono that I now regret not asking her where she got it from.
I loved her look from head to toes.

Below is my second place for favorite looking. This time it was Honor, a beautiful child avatar
that took that place. She looked lovely in her perfectly color-coordinated attire.

It was during my day visit that I took the time to photograph this beautiful Japanese community.
I not only had the pleasure of meeting many wonderful people but also ran into people that I already
knew like Alfredjames, GABRIEL'S Officer.

It is the beautiful people that I see and meet during my outings that make my Second Life journey 
so beautiful and wonderful. I love seeing people and talking to them and I love taking their pictures
and adding them to my blog. They all are my superstars, my beautiful jewels that with their presence
enriched my blog by the thousands.

This is all for now my beautiful people.
wishing you all a most amazing day!
Much love,
Lori Novo

Credits On Me
Starr's Juliette Mesh Hair
*LODE* Head Accessory - Lilies [left side_peach]
.::Supernatural::. Erica Necklace
Rin - Extreme Eyeliner
[MJN] Natural Lash
Model & Photographer Lori Novo
WLS: Places Between The Worlds

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