

Hello Beautiful World!
Please meet beautiful Andressa (b0nneca), our new "The Beautiful Women Of Second Life".

"Transgender Rights are human rights! 
Proud Trans Woman"
-From Andressa Profile

You go girl!
There is nothing I don't love about this beautiful lady.
and with June being the month dedicated to celebrating LGBT Pride Month
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) she couldn't have come at a better time!

Here is a song shared by Andressa for us to enjoy...
Andressa (b0nneca): padam padam by kylie minogue is my current repeat song

Padam Padam

Great song choice! 
[dancing on my chair and waving my arms in the air]
I too often have a repeat song for the day, I heat the REPEAT button and it will be the only song
that will literally play at least 100 times by the time the day is over. By that time, I am sure I can easily
also play it on any instrument that you give me. :P

I first noticed Andressa when she walked by me at The Fifty Event (Ends July 20 / Gallery) last night
where I had gone to see what pretty thing I could find to buy. Though I didn't really find anything that
wowed me, I was very lucky to find Andressa there with her husband Lan, a beautiful couple.
The simplicity of her avatar's beauty was what attracted me right away. There she was, an absolute
beauty from head to toe. I am so used to seeing many females covered so much under layers of heavy
makeup, face, and body tattoos, almost like frosting on a cake, that many times it is hard for me to be able
to see what their true beauty looks like, however, Andressa did that for me. She was a refreshing
sight of beauty.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not against heavy makeup and tattoos, I too like to enjoy these things
every once in a while because life is about having fun and doing what makes us happy, right?!
But in a world where we are so used to seeing the covered-up Avatars in heavy layers,
seeing someone so refreshing like Andressa was a beautiful thing. She not only possesses the physical
beauty that I look for to qualify in this category in the blog, but her elegance in her fashion style also
made her stand out from the rest, not to mention her sweetness.
Andressa truly has a very beautiful soul that easily comes across when you talk to her.
During our whole conversation, I couldn't stop smiling and you all know how much I love that,
the best gift anyone can give me. Thank you Andressa for the smiles! ♥

When I first contacted her to request permission to appear on the blog I wasn't aware of anything
about her, I was just focused on her physical look. Once she accepted and I begin to take her pictures,
I checked her profile between takes and I was very pleasantly surprised, here I had a beautiful and
extraordinary woman posing for me, wow, really wow. As I always say, the people I always feature
in my blog are like gemstones that I treasure in my heart. They each come to beautify my blog with their

Andressa is a strong representation of those gemstones that I am very thankful for.
She truly takes what a beautiful being is to another level.
Because in a world already full of so much hate and discrimination, full of violence, illnesses, 
and nature's destruction, the last thing we need is to be judged, or judge others. The differences
are not what separates us, it is the blindness in the heart that prohibits us from seeing that we
all are beautiful beings, created to be loved and to love others.
LGBT is a community that I absolutely love and support ♥ 100%!

This is all for now my beautiful people.
Wishing you all an amazing week ahead full of love and smiles. And once again, thanks so much to
Andressa for accepting to be part of my blog, sending a HUGE hug her way!
And my beautiful ones, please keep your hearts open so your eyes are not blind to all the beauty
we can always find in other people.

Much love,
Lori Novo

Here are some of the items our beautiful Andressa was wearing
when I had the honor of photographing her.

Attachment On Andressa (b0nneca)
-Zai- Nails Ouch
[POM] Nikkie Earrings
~~YsoraL~~.:Luxe Wedding Infinity:. Ring
Exquisite Joyous Engagement Ring Pink Diamond
[POM] Nora Bracelet (Rosegold) - R
~~ Ysoral ~~ .:Luxe Bracelet Delphine:.(Legacy) -L
~~ Ysoral ~~.:Luxe Necklace Delphine:.
TETRA - Luna Necklaces
Blamage - Sam Dress
.BF. Fatima Heel
HEAD / lel EvoX NOVA 3.1
[BODY] Legacy (1.6)

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