The ColorFUR People

"I am he 
as you are he 
as you are me
And we are all together
See how they run like pigs from a gun
See how they fly
I'm crying..."

Hello Beautiful World!
This past Sunday was totally a game-changer for me. It made me rethink all I have lived so far in
Second Life and realize that I am not cool at all and I need to start making some changes.
This happened when I came across the coolest group of people ever at the eBody REBORN Event.
They were so beautiful and colorful that it made me want to join them and become
part of their group, family, club, gang, or whatever they were. I am sure I wasn't the only one that felt
that way. I did notice many people walking up to them, maybe to take pictures and then, walk away.
I stood a few steps away from them just watching them stand very still because for some reason none
of them were moving. They were like statues. Still, I kept an eye on them, ok maybe both eyes
to see when they would blink, twitch their nose, or move a finger. Every time one of them would make
even the slightest move, I would get so excited. 😮😃👏

I kept imagining standing with them and feeling their vibe. OMG, that would have been a dream
come true for me. I would be dressed just like them and have people admiring me too and wishing 
they too were one of us. 

I seriously watched them for maybe at least twenty minutes as they stood there really not doing
anything. I was fascinated by them. I kept imagining that maybe one of them would notice me
and call me over and then we would become friends and they would add me to their group and
I would finally be part of the popular kids people.
But it didn't happen. They were too cool-looking to notice me. 😞

"Guys, take me with you!
I don't want to be like me anymore, I want to be like you, cool and colorful!"

Ok, let's be realistic, I will NEVER be accepted in a group as cool as theirs,
so maybe I should convince my Steppenwolf that we dress like them 
and then go to events and just stand still and have people think, 
"OMG they are so cool and colorful. I wish I was in their group, family, club,
gang, or whatever they are."
That could work. Anyways let me introduce to you now who these beautiful people were before
I go take my vitamin ZZZzzzZZ. 😴

Have a good night everyone!
Lori Novo

Trashiee Grosso (trashiee.grosso)
16 Years "Second Life" Old

oh googaleee eyes
you makes stuff come alive
so dry those tear drops

alone or in pairs
you belong everywhere
so cheer up
and smile

B i s h (bishop.schmooz)
15 Years "Second Life" Old

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

Ugh Devin
15 Years "Second Life" Old

"subway rat made eye contact with me and said 
“join us. when the train comes we slide under the tracks and feel it rumble over us 
like a warm thunderstorm.
we live forever and we love to live”
I said no thank you I am too large he turned away from me I cried"

Velveetuh Barthelmess (sylviamuskygirl4fun)
1 Year "Second Life" Old

i'm shy
but i'm fly
i'm ready to come on by
dont ask why
just say hi 

Credits On Me
Modulus - Chett Hair
GOREGLAM 'Noire' Eyeshadow EVO X (HUD)
[Renna] Meow Blush
[POM] Aster Earrings
(NO) Dolly Head Earring - Light Brunette
Baiastice_Long Gloves-Bento & Relaxed
Bjorn: Dolly Fuzzy Hat - Red
!gO! Noelle Boa Shawl
CHAIN - Luna Choker Top (Group Gift)
-tres blah- Vinyl Pants - Gunmetal

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