The Wicked Wave

And there it is. Isn't she a beauty?
That is the wave that I have been studying for two days already and that I am determined to conquer.

"You know there ain't no rest for the wicked
Money don't grow on trees
We got bills to pay
We got mouths to feed
There ain't nothing in this world for free
I know we can't slow down
We can't hold back, though you know, we wish we could
Oh no, there ain't no rest for the wicked
Until we close our eyes for good..."

Hello Beautiful World!
Many years ago one of my favorite Second Life pastimes was riding the wave.
Surfing became my favorite daily activity which lasted for a good, long while. Now, you would
assume that with all the practice I was getting I must have mastered this water sport. But instead,
it seemed I just keep getting worse to the point that other surfers were actually terrified every time
I would show up on any Second Life beach. As soon as I would appear, surfers would disappear.
They would run to the safety of other beaches where no Lori would be around to crash into them
every twenty seconds.

Now, I found the perfect beach with the perfect wave where I can practice my surfing skills.
It is on a beautiful and isolated island where I have been the only one present every time I have been
there. This is a location I found and saved a couple of weeks ago because it had two things I was
looking for back then and that was a wave to ride and beautiful rain. Today, I won't be sharing the LM
to this beautiful location, just yet. I want to keep it a secret for now so I can fully enjoy the solitude of
this place while I am there. But soon, I will, I promise. ;)

Today, not only did I practice some surfing for about an hour or so, but I also danced with nature.
Part of this beautiful location is rainforest so there is a beautiful body of water that runs across the 
land with beautiful greenery and very colorful flowers. I stepped into the water and I just danced
and danced in there for I don't know how long and it felt beautiful... too real.

But now, going back to the wave which is the main attraction for me right now.
I can guarantee you that I'll be riding it like a pro faster than the rooster's crowing!

Dang it rooster, not yet! Give me at least another day.

So anyways, I'll be practicing and practicing until I become Second Life's best surfer.
What am I saying, I'll be as good as John John Florence and Kelly Slater from the USA. Or
Brazilian surfer Gabriel Medina and Australian Nikki Van Dijk. I'll be so good that I'll go into the
history of the best surfers in the world of all time like Duke Kahanamoku from Hawaii.
I'll be riding that wave at least 50 mph and flying at 20 feet high. There will be no stopping me.

People will be saying "Omg, she is so amazing!"
"Omg, she is so awesome and cool!"
and everyone will want to be my friend, even the ColorFUR People will be sending me friendship requests.
And I'll be standing pretty holding my red surfboard and saying...
"Oh please people, calm down, you all are making me blush. Yes I know I am so great at surfing.
I know, I know. Oh please stop (giggles shyly). Who wants a selfie and my autograph? Please
form a line. I know, I know, thank you!"
Keep dreaming Lori! :P

Credits On Me
Sintiklia - Hair Akari ● *AvaWay* SHELLEY Armlets Set ● Mimikri - Capri Bikini & Capri Chiffon Coverup (oyster)

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