Lori Novo: mmm well how much are you offering?
Jerk: i offer u 5000
Lori Novo: for how long?
Jerk: 5 minutes?
Lori Novo: ok but do I get to be on top? I like top.
Jerk: no I want top
Lori Novo: No, but I want to be on top, I offer you 6000L if you let me be on top
Jerk: ok, you on top
Now, what a great negotiation! Did you see how I turned the table around and made him the service worker?
I am so clever, I win! Wait, what? Hold on, what just happened there?
OMG just kidding my beautifuls! It was just a joke. :P
BABYYY, don't get mad it was just a joke, come back, Steppenwolf come back!!!
Well, hello beautiful world, and a very happy Friday to all!
Are you all ready for another exciting weekend of irresistible sales?
I sure am but damn it now I need my 6000L back. >:(
The above chat is not real as you can tell. What is real is the chat I will share with you next.
It is about another encounter I had earlier in the morning with another one of Second Life's jerks.
I normally ignore, and block, disrespectful IMs from men who have no respect at all for women.
I usually run away crying and feeling extremely offended. But not today.
Today I felt like standing up for myself and giving the jerk a piece of my mind, which is something
I do not recommend. My best advice is not to engage with these types of men because they are so
stupidly dumb that they seriously feel entitled and see women as objects for their enjoyment.
Engaging with them will only encourage them to continue and really, we have better things to do.
Not only that, but today's jerk actually felt offended and disrespected by what I had to say.
The nerve I tell you. This is not the first time I have been offered Lindens for sex in Second Life
and sadly I am not the only woman who has been disrespected this way. Many women are.
Here you can read about the first time ever when I was offered Lindens for sex while I was at
Tempura doing Tai Chi.
Today, I really don't know why I decided to answer back, and especially glad I didn't let it bring me
down as it always happens. I chose to laugh about it even though it is not funny at all but a very serious
problem women in Second Life have to endure too often. But really, I prefer to laugh at the stupidity of
these men with brains as small as their *icks that need to pay for sex, or otherwise, they wouldn't
be getting any.
To today's jerk, my advice is, why don't you use that 5000L and try to upgrade that little brain of yours?
Oh wait, you'll need a lot and I mean A LOT more than just 5000 for that. Perhaps to be born again,
and that still doesn't guarantee that it'll work. Sorry.
His name was MAX, unfortunately, I can't give his full name without his consent. But oh god how
I wish I could. Anyway, it happened while I was at Stealthic Hair Mainstore...
MAX: hello
MAX: seems you have a good taste for dress
MAX: 🙂
MAX: i like u very much would you have sex with me for linden? i offer u 5000
MAX: i have big land [obviously that is all you have big because when it comes to brain...]
Lori Novo: not even for a million lindens, I am not a prostitute
MAX: prostitute? who said this? [Um, you offering me Lindens for sex = prostitute]
MAX: i offer u 5000 why you are beautiful i not think you protitute
MAX: prostitute its in your mind [Let me see what's in yours, wait, I see nothing in there, just emptiness.
Lori Novo: how about I offer you 10k lindens to go f*ck yourself [Huh, what was I thinking?
I'll be needing them to go shopping.]
MAX: my darling don't insult people just because they are looking for something different from you
you can simply answer yes or no I respect everyone's ideas [Aww, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.]
Lori Novo: you are very disrespectful
MAX: I'll tell you more now I could insult you too like you did but I won't do it [Thank you, that is so sweet of you.]
MAX: this is the difference between me and you [Thank God we ARE different. You wouldn't want to
be like me, you know, respectful and with a working brain.]
Then I noticed in his profile he spoke Spanish
Lori Novo: asi como tratas a otros seras tratado [as you treat others you will be treated]
Lori Novo: RESPETO caramba! [RESPECT geez!]
Credits On Me
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