The London City Dungeons

The London City Dungeons

Today I bring to you not a haunted house or even a corn maze but a dungeon. Better yet, this is London's most haunted attraction

The London City Dungeons

This popular attraction was created based on the real life London's dungeons. It is made up of nine rooms to be explored. All based on Jack the Ripper and the Black Death. 
Jack The Ripper

Actually, you may have the fortune of running into Jack the Ripper at the main entrance, let me correct that, I hope you don't have the misfortune of running into him like I did.

I personally found these dungeons very interesting more than scary. But they very much go perfect with my hunt for scary and freaky places. I must warn you though, the dungeons are located in an area where public nudity is allowed. I myself had to escape several times from naked man that were looking for a "good time" >:(

To me, that was the scariest part of my visit to London.

Here are the photos I took for you today. Keep in mind that there is much more to see than what I show you. I only photograph the things that captured my interest the most.

Traitor's Gate

The Traitor's Gate
The Haunted Woods

The Haunted Woods
The Black Death

The Black Death
Judge, Jury, Executioner

Judge, Jury and Executioner
The Gallows

The Gallows
A Fitting End

A Fitting End
The Chamber

Ocean joins me in the Fitting Room and takes a rest in a chamber.

I would like to thank 
RonnieQ for the TP.