A Prim Guzzler

After many, and I mean many,
days of not hearing from my best bud Virtualandy Capra (Andy
and leaving him tons of offlines...

[2011/09/08 19:44] Lori Novo: Andyyyyyyy I miss you...r u ok? <3
[2011/09/10 19:54] Lori Novo: ANDYYYYYYYYYYY I miss you
 soooooooooooooooooo much :((((((
[2011/09/15 18:20] Lori Novo: Andyyyy I miss you :(((((  Look I am crying :'(

..... he finally appeared today like a ray of sunshine brightening my day :) 
After we both played on my new "L+R Luna Lacrima White Crystal Piano", 
we then continued to talk about a very important topic that is every 
property owners' concern in Second Life.... PRIMS!

[13:42] Virtualandy Capra: you've done a lot to this place....
[13:43] Lori Novo: still need a lot but I ran out of prims already, 
I might just have to buy more
[13:43] Virtualandy Capra: yeah...prims go fast
[13:44] Lori Novo: they do, I saw that I can get 117 prims for L$200 a month
[13:44] Lori Novo: but I would need at least 500 more
[13:45] Virtualandy Capra: it's better to simplify where you can and use the 
prims really strategically
[13:45] Virtualandy Capra: otherwise you will find yourself spending a lot more 
than you expected
[13:46] Lori Novo: lol u r right :)
[13:46] Lori Novo: but Andy... I wanted tons of flowers
[13:46] Lori Novo: flowers everywhere
[13:46] Virtualandy Capra: you mean like in Ode?   fields of flowers?
[13:47] Lori Novo: well, I want the fountain to be cover in flowers and butterflies
[13:47] Virtualandy Capra: sounds nice
[13:49] Virtualandy Capra: looking around.....you do have lots of flowers........so nice
[13:49] Lori Novo: I need more, more and more
[13:50] Virtualandy Capra: :))))))
[13:56] Lori Novo: Andy ty so much for your beautiful friendship
[13:56] Lori Novo: I super love you
[13:56] Virtualandy Capra: ohh...ty so much for yours
[13:57] Lori Novo: :)
[13:57] Virtualandy Capra: I love you too....you're an angel
[13:57] Lori Novo: you too are an angel Andy
[13:57] Virtualandy Capra: ((:))
[13:57] Lori Novo: we r two angels LOL
[13:57] Virtualandy Capra: hahahaha

[13:58] Virtualandy Capra: have you done anything with the ground below this?
[13:58] Lori Novo: no Andy I used up all the prims here
[13:58] Virtualandy Capra: laughs
[13:58] Virtualandy Capra: you're a prim guzzler!!!
[13:59] Lori Novo: I wish I had like 3000 prims
[13:59] Virtualandy Capra: I think you need 3000 prims :)
[13:59] Lori Novo: I DO!!!!!
[13:59] Lori Novo: maybe even more
[13:59] Virtualandy Capra: I know! :)))
[14:00] Virtualandy Capra: yes......I think 10,000 would be better
[14:00] Lori Novo: lol, and still that doesn't sound like enogh :P
[14:01] Virtualandy Capra: there was a piece of jewelry made by the guy who used to own the Ode sim.....it was 20,000 prims
[14:01] Lori Novo: OMG
[14:01] Virtualandy Capra: I think you need 100,000 prims
[14:01] Virtualandy Capra: that would be just right
[14:02] Lori Novo: yes, that'll be perfect
[14:02] Virtualandy Capra: hahahaha
[14:02] Lori Novo: I get 100,000 prims and then I go buy that piece of jewelry
[14:03] Virtualandy Capra: hahahaha.......then you'd need 100,000 more
[14:03] Lori Novo: lol... and I'll just keep going on and on until I own all the prims in SL
[14:04] Virtualandy Capra: because you'd wear the necklace and realize that you need a 10,000 prim bracelet....and then, of course, an ankle bracelet
[14:04] Virtualandy Capra: and then earings and a belly button jewel
[14:05] Lori Novo: lol
[14:05] Virtualandy Capra: and then wherever you would go you would crash the sim
[14:06] Lori Novo: lol, I would be banned from everywhere
[14:07] Virtualandy Capra: and then you would look back happily to the days when you were prim-poor :)))
[14:08] Lori Novo: lol Andy <3

Am I right or am I right??? Never enough prims :(((