A New Buddy

Paradox Schumann 
welcome to my list of friends!

The mountains at Quiet Irish Parkland have been so kind to me 
by giving me the pleasure of meeting three of my dearest friends. 
Virtualandy Capra (Andy), who I absolutely adore and has become my best friend. 
Santi, who is also very dear to me and also a RL neighbor 
since we live only minutes away from each other. 
And nyn Gata, my silly who has taken upon himself to make me smile every day... 
"love you ugly :P"

Yesterday, once again the mountains bring to me a new friend, 
Paradox Schumann from Brazil and founder of the Parajen Homes in SL. 
I know this will be a wonderful friendship just like the others I have found 
on my peaceful mountains.