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Rebirth "Denuding my body of all fears and looking at the future with determination" I have discovered that photography is something I enjoy more than writing in Second Life. I truly believe that a photo can say a million words. That is why I am determined to learn as much as I can in SL photography. I still have a long way ahead of me to cover but that doesn't scare me nor will it stop me. Hey, I have a whole lifetime ahead of me for this and there is no rush. You will be seeing a lot of photos posted in this blog with not much written under them. I want this to be known as Lori Novo's Gallery. I however want to title each photo and perhaps add a quote, lyrics from a song and in some occasions, what is my interpretation for the photo. I am actually very excited about this. There are endless possibilities of what I can do playing around with wardrobe, poses and the many amazing places that exist in SL. Rebirth will be the first photo for my LNG (Lori Novo's Gallery). I took this photo yesterday not certain if I was going to have the courage to actually use it for this post. Exposing my pixel's nude body was something I thought I could never do. However, I was very careful not to create an image of sexual content. I am very aware that many people view a nude body as sexual but it is actually not especially when a photo is taken respectfully. I have named this photo Rebirth because I see it as a new beginning. A new beginning in my goals for this blog. I no longer want to be afraid when it comes to the photos I take. Fear only sets limitations to our abilities. I am denuding my body off all the fears that have been keeping me from becoming the best in whatever I choose to do. Once having shed my body from all the fears and negativity, the true me can emerge. In this gallery I want only my favorite photos to be included. That is why you may be seeing some from previous posts. There are many from the past that I love so much that I feel deserve to be added. Now that I am slowly learning how to better edit a photo, I feel the need to give those photos a little love with my brush ;) CREDITS: SKIN: Larisa - Sun Kissed by Natural Beauty HAIR: Angel - Alanis II Soil HAIR PIECE: Rose's Thorn Wreath by Vita's Boudoir POSE: *LUTH* Pin-Up #12 PHOTO LOCATION: alirium |