Highly acclaimed "spirit" by artist claudia222 Jewel, came to a close today with a gala of events
lined up for a proper farewell to the art screamer sim's closing. Ocean and I couldn't miss this
for the world, being one of our favorite art sims in Second Life.
Zachh Cale and claudia222 Jewell
The five finalists' videos Machinima contenders were presented
Zachh Cale
"Many artists have taken a lot of time and talent to create videos of Claudia's installation
and we are all so grateful for your time and talents!
It's an amazing video as well. We have five finalists and it was very hard to choose a winner.
The panel consisted of Chantal Harvey, myself, LaPiscean Liberty, Chestnut rau
and Amase Levasseur"

And the winner was announced
Zachh Cale
"And the winner is..... Hypatia Pickens for STOLEN CHILD!"
"Mar 11, 2012 The poem by William Butler Yeats, sung by me and set to the eerie melody
by Kevin MacLeod, seemed the most appropriate poem to express the weirdly beautiful
build "Spirit" by Claudia222 Jewell on exhibit in Second Life at "Art Screamer."
This is an unsettling film, even for me; maybe even for Yeats if he could see it.
Claudia told me that she created "Spirit" (an unsettling artwork) as an act of grief and love
for her father whose death no forces in nature could prevent
(represented by the strange creatures she built every digital feature of which--starting from scratch).
It's my first film where all the items are almost entirely in "mesh."
The child "rescued" by the fairies from "a world more full of weeping than we can understand"
took a while for me to decide on as a musical setting. I hope it does justice to Claudia's vision."
You can view more of Spirit: claudia222 Jewell at Art Screamer videos on YouTube HERE.
Many of us gathered for the last time in this amazing place where artist claudia222 Jewell
gave a final tour of her masterpiece "scream" and shared with everyone present
a little about her real life which I found very touching. She is absolutely an amazing woman
and a tremendous artist.
Live music performances by TwinGhost Ronas and JordanReyne Deezul followed the final sim's tour.
thank you for sharing such an amazing gift with us...
your amazing talent is beyond words.
HuGs! <3