It's Not The End Of The World

A Bit NuTz!

Yes, yes I know my mascara is running :P
But I don't really give a f**k!
Sorry for the expression, I just got a bit carried away for a moment there.
It's just that it gets me so upset when people complain over spilled milk.  I mean, we are talking about MINOR... and I really mean
MINOR things here. What if your mascara is running or the neighbor parked on your parking space?
For goodness sake,
Just wash your face and find another parking space and move along. Don't stay stuck in the "boo-hoo, poor me" pathetic state. Life is too short and there are more important things in life to worry about, like children dying of hunger in the world, animals suffering cruelty, elderly being neglected, minorities being treated unfairly, people dying of incurable diseases, my neighbor in danger of loosing his home due to foreclosure ... and I can go on.
Be thankful for what you have and don't dwell over what you don't. Don't envy what others have or you will NEVER be happy in life. Work hard for what you want, remember that good things in life don't just fall on our laps from the sky, you actually have to get off your butt and work at it. Sometimes it may require great effort but at the end it's all well worth it. And if you don't like something, instead of complaining use that energy towards finding a solution to your problem and then actually working at fixing it.

Got to go now, need to wash my face and move my truck from my neighbor's parking space :P
A Bit NuTz!

What am I wearing?

Vixen eyeshadow from Madrid Solo
Jeans and pink Top (L$1) from MarketPlace
Skin (Oct's GG) from POUDRE Design