
Home of Kittens Heaven
A place to hang out, take pictures and enjoy your second life.
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Dear Second Life,

Today I woke up with a dark cloud over my head. Knowing that my daughter will soon be going away
to college, in 5 days to be exact, has me down. I can't help feeling a mixture of emotions 
with her going away. I bet most parents in my situation have felt or are feeling the same way. 
I feel proud to see what an extraordinary and intelligent young lady she has grown to be. 
I  also feel happy that she is now on her way to work on her future, which promises to be bright. 
And I feel overjoyed to see her enthusiasm when she shares with me all the dreams and plans she has.
But on the other hand, I can't help feeling this sadness that keeps me shedding a tear almost every hour.
I realize that once she steps out of our home, life will never be the same. I get a sense of loss. 
Not that I feel I am losing my daughter, but not being able to spend time with her every day
 like before, hurts.

My daughter has become my roommate these past last weeks. She has been sleeping in my room 
with me and that is something very special. It is like two best friends having slumber parties every
night. I can honestly say that we have become so much closer now than ever before.

She may not know this but when I look at her, I caress her hair and her face while she sleeps. My kids
images are the two most beautiful images my eyes have ever seen and so now, 
I want to take as much of my daughter's beautiful face as I can before she leaves. 
I can still see in her the little adorable baby with long black curls and a smile that would, 
and still brightens my whole world.

But I know that God blesses our lives with these most beautiful and extraordinary gifts, our children,
and it is an honor for us, parents, to help them grow to the best they can be. And then as life's plan, 
to let them fly and realize their dreams. To become so wonderfully great in life.

God Bless you my beautiful daughter,
and though you see me crying every day now due to your soon departure
(that by the way you think is funny :P)
Know that behind my tears is a big smile
and a heart full of love for you.
And my wish for you my baby girl is happiness
... happiness!

Friendship and love are wonderful gifts in life And when you combine both in one person,
then, there is no other way than to feel but extremely blessed.
 Lately, I've been down as I mentioned before and only those that are very close to me 
in Second Life have felt it. I try to appear as a strong and happy woman and hate spreading 
my sadness and problems with those around me. But I realize that I have those wonderful friends 
that know me so well and can tell when there are tears behind my smiles. 
They will go out of their way to try and cheer me up and are not about to give up until they know
they have brought some peace and joy to me.

By the way,
You may have noticed the new changes in the blog.
The black background is gone.

This is thanks to an angel and closest friend!
This is someone that for some reason has taken it on himself to brighten my SL and is always,
and I mean really always there to help me in anything I need.
Never criticizes or judges or makes fun of my goofiness, but feels proud even of my smallest
accomplishments. And you want to know the best part? This is a friend that does everything 
for me with no expectations from me whatsoever.  It is a sweet and beautifully innocent friendship that
proves that in SL, not every man/female
relationship has to be sexual.

Well, today my good friend and I decided to change the look of the blog because to be honest with you,
the black background was just too depressive to me now.  We also changed the header, which I used one
of my favorite photos for. It was taken at Tempura, Japan Island and I was wearing a design from Boudoir.
We are still making many other changes not only to how the blog looks, but I am also changing a little
bit the way I blog/post. Most of the past posts now require a little fixing but that is no problem, 
I love my blog and I always enjoy working on it ;)
so please bear with me.

I have opened up my heart a little bit for you,
talked to you about my beautiful daughter,
mentioned how blessed I feel to have such wonderful friends
and explained the new changes to the blog that I hope you like as much as I do.
I leave you for now wishing you a wonderful new week ahead.

Forever Yours,
~ Lori Novo~

Wearing NEW from

in Amethyst  for Miss Panama/MMV2014

*Gown Available in 10 Colors

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Skin ~ Lea * Bronze (Nat) ~ Wow Skins & Shapes
Hair ~ Miss Philipines ~ Vanity Hair
Eyes ~ Ardent * Clarity (Med) ~ IKON Eyes
Jewelry ~ Kotar Purple ~ Finesmith Jewelry
Slink Hands ~ Elegant 01
Pose One ~ aDORKable
Pose Three ~ Morphine
Model & Photographer ~ Lori Novo

♥⊱Thanks To My Wonderful Sponsors For Their Support ⊰♥

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