Hello Beautiful World!
If you are wondering the difference between a lamb and a sheep I am here to answer that question.
I am sure most if not all of you already know the answer, but I still want to share with you what I
already know about these beautiful animals and what I learned while writing this post, but also
what I made up just for fun. :P
But before we get to that let me tell you that when I first started Second Life almost fifteen years ago,
sheep were actually my favorite animal. There was this beautiful sim that unfortunately closed many
years ago called
Quiet Irish Parkland which I visited every single day for the peaceful and beautiful
scenery. It was always raining there and it was there that I had the honor of meeting so many amazing
people with whom I still keep in touch to this day. I loved everything about this beautiful place.
Everything from the rain, the mountains, the beautiful ocean, and yes, the sheep. Now, the sheep there
were not just wandering around but many times you would find small groups of
four, five, and even more sheep standing on top of each other. That never failed to make me smile.
But let's get back on track with some facts about these beautiful animals.
While sheep and lamb are the same animals, there are some differences between them.
A sheep under 12 months old is called a lamb, while an adult female is an ewe, and ram for an adult male.
Both sheep and lamb have soft wool, however, lamb's wool is lustrously shiny and fine. On the other hand
sheep's wool is denser and coarser, which makes sense. Lambs are born toothless and typically
weigh between 8 to 12 pounds while an adult sheep will weigh at least 200 pounds and can stand up
to 4 feet tall.
Some very interesting facts that I learned are that there are over 1,200 breeds of domesticated sheep
in the world with some growing two, four, and even six horns. The Hungarian Racka Sheep has to be
my favorite breed when it comes to the horns, they are long and
Sheep have a wide field vision of up to 320 degrees thanks to having rectangular pupils,
how cool is that!
But those are just some of the physical characteristics, let's now talk about the emotional and behavioral ones.
Both sheep and lamb are very friendly animals, but lambs are docile. Adult sheep are smart and social
animals and like to move around in flocks forming strong bonds with each other and recognizing other
sheep faces. These beautiful animals can communicate with each other through their sense
of smell since they have scent glands in front of their eyes. Lambs on the other hand form playgroups.
Sheep are emotional animals and can feel happiness and sadness, anger, fear, and even boredom just
as humans do. They can also display optimisim and empathy among other things and will recognize
emotion in the facial expressions of their mates. Not only that, but they each have unique personality
traits. While some may be bold and adventurous, others can be shy and cautious, etc.
Sheep, just like humans do, will also count sheep when they can't go to sleep. They will lie on the grass
and will count all the faces of their mates until they fall asleep. Why not sheep counting humans you
might ask? Because let's be honest, sheep are better looking than humans and have better hearts. Now,
that is a sheep fact that I bet you didn't know, probably because that is one I just made up. :P
But what is all this talk about sheep and lamb, you must be wondering.
It is to introduce our new Second Life trendsetter!
So here we are again, our new trendsetter featured in the blog.
This is where I'll be featuring people wearing the most creative and artistic fashion styles in
Second Life, leaving us in awe with their fashion statement as they walk by.
Only the crème de la crème in fashion will get to catwalk through this blog section.
This is not to copy them but to inspire you to be creative by reinventing their look with your own
ideas and making it your own.
Please meet beautiful ℒAℳℬ ℒiƝiƝG (lambrina.emerald) from Manchester, England.
♥ Proud owner of a sense of humour, prone to being sarcastic ♥
♥ Not a talker more a listener ♥
Enjoying my journey in this crazy world.
Me?→ Same in here as I am out there, a quite socially awkward introvert ←
-From Her Profile
I had the pleasure of meeting ℒAℳℬ ℒiƝiƝG last week during the weekend sales. As soon as she landed
behind me she caught my attention with the fantastic outfit that she was wearing. It reminded me
a lot of
Brian M. Viveros' beautiful artwork that features femme-fatale art. After carefully studying her look
from head to toe, I decided to IM her to say hello, and right away I noticed her friendly personality,
which made me glad that I had approached her. Now our friend ℒAℳℬ ℒiƝiƝG other than just being a
beautiful lady with a great cool fashion sense, she is also an amazing Second Life photographer.
Here, you
can check out her Flickr stream where you can please give her a follow.
Now, I am aware that our new friend is not a sheep yet, but she'll get there, just give her time.
But then again, who needs to be a sheep when you can stay a beautiful lamb forever.
Thanks for reading, over and out!
-Lori Novo
Some of ℒAℳℬ ℒiƝiƝG (lambrina.emerald) Credits
rvn - my idgaf routine - cig 1990 - Fall Glitz Set - Flared Square - Nails HEAD / lel evox / ZO 4.0
Cynful Spicey Sporty - Panties - Legacy
718 // Ailith Stompers // Black // Legacy E.A.Studio River Gloves Legacy Classic/Perky [BODY] Legacy (f) Perky (1.7.1)