Tukinowaguma's Hair

Feathers, gems, flowers, pearls, you name it. 
When to decorated hair is what you need, Tukinowaguma is the place for you. 
They carry a large selection of hair for any occasion from the New, Art, Formal,
 Asian, Collection, Cyber, Funky, Hiphop, Punk, Men's, Natural, Long, 
Short, Medium, Updo, Side, Beauty, Bridal, Classic, Ethnic and much more.


VA-TARE ~ Hair
Published September 28, 2011

Hair being my biggest obsession in Second Life, 
I suddenly got this great idea of getting demo samples from a hair store to show you
what they have available for us. Good thing AVA-TARE's demos are free and not L$1 
like some of the other stores.

You will find that AVA-TARE not only carries a large variety of hairstyles 
for both men and women but also jewelry, clothing and much more. 
These are a few of the great samples I picked to show you.

BTW: My hair in real life is dark brown, wavy and long, and I mean very long, 
like the second photo but wavy. It has reached my waist and thankfully, 
it is in a very healthy condition. All my life I have kept the long hair length, 
however, I am seriously thinking about cutting it short, maybe shoulder-length. 
What to do?!!!

 SKIN , AVA TARE - General