I guess the first question you have is…who is Adeen? Adeen is a medieval healer who races out to the battle field to tend to the injured. Someday, I am going to put a Band-Aid on Teddy and make a 911 IM to Adeen for some tender-loving care. Adeen is also quite capable of striking down enemies—back in the day, she used to carry the absolute cutest and most adorable pair of swords on her back (…oh wait…strike that…I meant to say…back in the day, enemy soldiers would cringe in fear at the sight of Adeen’s weapons…ok, so I am lying…the truth is…back in day, enemy soldiers were slain because they were way too busy trying to score a date with Adeen).
On June 16 2012, Adeen was crowned by the queen of the Vindarkis sim as queen of her elf tribe in front of many queens. There were more queens than you can find in a deck of playing cards.Wild rumors are circulating amongst the kingdom that there is only one elf in the entire elf tribe--that elf would be Adeen (hehehehe...Teddy is looking up the definition of self rule...). Teddy is measuring the height of his ears to see if he can sign up to be in the elf tribe. Being a true investigative reporter, I set on a trek to find the elf tribe to see if there was any merit in these rumors.I found several bowls of porridge laid out on a nice dining room table. The porridge was eaten from one bowl; the other bowls were untouched. I sat down and tasted the first bowl—yuk, that porridge was too hot. I tried the 2nd bowl—yuk, that porridge was too cold. And just as I was about to sit down and try the third bowl, I heard the sound of 3 bears approaching the front door. Here are some of the photos from the crowning ceremony.

Here is a photo of the cutest couple at the ceremony. I believe the the incredibly handsome guy is named Java (I didn't have time to do a lot of chit chatting, so I might have some of the names wrong).
The incredibly beautiful woman is Loriiiiiiiiiiiiiii (give or take a few i's....she types her name way too fast for me to count the number of i's).

Oh...what's that...you want to see some photos of Adeen....
Here is a photo of Queen Lorelei crowning Queen Adeen. I think this was the part of the ceremony where Queen Lorelei is asking the audience if anyone wishes to challenge the crowning. I was holding my breath...hoping that none of the other elves, that are in Adeen's tribe, would speak out.

Here are some of the guests who came to cheer on the new queen. Notice the incredibly cute couple in the back :)

Writer facilitates Bardic Circle in Elven Glen. He wrote and read the most incredible poem during the ceremony. The most incredible thing about Writer is...no matter what he does and no matter where he goes...he never gets a speck of dirt on his white clothes.

After the ceremony, the new queen mingled with the guests. She thanked each and every guest for attending. It was awesome hearing all of the "Merry meet you M'lady & Lord"; Adeen has the cutest accent. Sssshhhh...please don't tell Adeen I said that, she insists that it is I who has the accent. Teddy just loves being called "Lord Teddy"-- he often brushes his fur, with great pride, after a chat with

An beautiful winged angel from the heavens flew in to congratulate the new queen. I kept meaning to mosey on over to the angel to engage in some light cocktail-party chit chat about that wooden box that
is floating in the air.

Here is a photo of the new queen talking to that incredibly cute couple who was sitting in the back. I wasn't close enough to hear all of the conversation. I think they were talking about an evil wizard named "computer crash" who has the power to make people disappear. We all watched in horror as Loriiiiiiii (give or take a few i's) disappeared in a puff of smoke. Teddy is mounting a rescue team to search for Loriiiiii--he is going to start his search at the magical kingdom named "Best Buy."