Devine Decission

Pure elegance is what my new 
Mea Culpa ~ Fashion ~ HAUTE COUTURE says.
This is the only language it knows.
This is the beautiful 
Devine Decision Gown
by famous Second Life designer Tatanaka Kaliwaga
Very, VERY expensive!!!
It was a gift from my friend Juve for my Rezz Birthday that unfortunately,
 he missed since he was on a two-week vacation in Italy during that time. 
Hmmmm, but how can I not forgive his absence on my special day after such a wonderful gift?


❤❤❤ Mea Culpa Blog ❤❤❤

[2012/09/26 10:36]
Juve: lol I missed you rezday >.<
Lori Novo: yup you did :PPPPP
Juve: and no rezzday present from me >.<
Juve: what a shame
Lori Novo: lol you already did, my Utopia gown :PPPPP
Juve: that was because I love you lol
Lori Novo: lol
Juve: ok don t throw my rezzday present away
Lori Novo: lol what?
Juve: done
Juve: hope you get it lol
Lori Novo: OMGGGGG Juve
Juve: yes, darling
Juve: happy rezday hehehe
Lori Novo: OMG, you didn't!!!
Lori Novo: u just made me cry <3
Lori Novo: OMGGGGG tyyyyyyy
Lori Novo: OMG juve
Lori Novo: OMGGGG
Lori Novo: I am crying for reals lol
Juve: ^^
Juve: do you wear it????
Lori Novo: I am
Lori Novo: OMG I have tears in my eyes
Juve: tp me I want to see it hehehe
Lori Novo: OMGGG
TP sent to Juve

HAIR: Alessandra by Truth
POSE: LoTd #2 by Del May