Edwardo Who?

Where do I start?
Oh yes!
I DO NOT have a new lover, boyfriend, or partner named Edwardo.
I don't even know any Edwardo, Eduardo, Edward, Eddie, or Ed here in SL or RL :P
Oh my God, you have no idea what Ocean started with his last post. I've been constantly getting IMs
and a few emails from friends and followers asking me the same question...
Lori, who is Edwardo?

Edwardo is just a name that popped up in Ocean's strange dream that night. 
He doesn't even know any Edwardo either and he doesn't even recall hearing the name anywhere :O
So the final line is, Edwardo is a mystery.

Just wanted to clear that up to hopefully stop any doubts and all the rumors 
that have been circulating around SL :P


Dress ~ LUCY Psychedelice Blue ~ Utopia
Skin ~ Lilia ~ Wow
Hair ~ Alanis II ~ Angel
Nails ~ Vine ~ Crystal Line
Heels ~ Malva ~ B&G


Got to go now, got a date with Edwardo... oops!
Did I just slip?
JuSt KiDDinG :P