This is my Second Life's Christmas tree for this year, but let me share with you a childhood memory
from my real life.
As I child, I grew up in a humble home where there was always a big lack of money.
I was raised for a big part of my life by my maternal grandma back in Mexico.
When Christmas came every year, it was the happiest time for me.
We never had the money for a real Christmas tree or decorations, still, my childhood Christmases
are some of my most beautiful memories.
Behind my grandma's small home, lay the forest, and every single year my Christmas tree
consisted of any nice-looking branch my mother could find back in the woods
and then planted in a white paint, plastic bucket, wrapped in colorful Christmas gift paper,
My Christmas trees were mostly decorated with simple GIFT BOWS in every color possible.
I still remember some SILVER and GOLD gift bows that would shimmer on the tree
making them appear like twinkling lights.
To this day, I haven't seen another Christmas tree as beautiful as my childhood Christmas trees.
And I don't think I'll ever will!
Grandma (buelita Carmen) I love you and miss you so much.
May you be at this very moment helping decorate Heaven's Christmas Tree with the angels like you
used to help my mother decorate mine. ❤