What A Trip !!

Posted By Oceanis

Hello everyone :)  For those of you that know me are probably wondering why I haven't posted in a 
while. I have been very sick and unable to spend much time on SL. So I am writing this from my hospital
bed and would like to share a very strange experience with you. But first I need you to imagine a scenario
to get an understanding of this experience I had with Lori last night.
Imagine this...

*You get in your car and put the key in the ignition.  To then leave your garage and start driving down 
the road.  You continue driving, taking turns here and there until you have left your city limits.. 
Then continue driving on a highway to your destination.  And after driving for about 2 hours 
you arrive at your destination.  You park your car and take the key out of the ignition.  
Then all of a sudden you look up and realize you have never left your garage. 
As if you were sent back in time and everything that happened in the last couple of hours 
was totally erased !!*

This is an example of what happened to me last night with Lori.   
We were having a conversation that lasted for hours.  Then I look up and realize that only a few minutes
have passed and everything that was said is gone. I had obviously fallen asleep and started dreaming 
as though I was awake and typing to Lori on SL from my laptop.

It was soooo real though.  And it kinda scared me. Haha it's a good thing it was a just dream though
because Lori was "telling" me that I had to leave so her new boyfriend "Edwardo" could move in. 
I'm thankful that was just a dream and all I gotta say is What A Trip!!
            (But im still keeping my eyes open for you Mr Edwardo)  :D