Tempura Under Attack

Who dares?!!!

OK, so I am back sooner than I thought. I have been ill since the beginning of the year and my friends
kept pleading with me to take some time off to rest and get better. Believe me, I was planning on
respecting their concerns and wishes but I just can't lay down in a bed and stay still, I need to be
moving, to make things happen, and finally, yesterday I did it.

What I did was drag my achy and feverish body from bed to check out things in Second Life. After
checking my SL home, I just had to go check my other SL home, Tempura Island, but ah the horror!
Someone had dared to block our beautiful Tempura's blue sky with a gigantic rainbow circle 
that didn't go well at all with the scenery.

But yesterday wasn't the only day Tempura had been under attack by immature
individual/individuals. From what I heard the previous day Tempura had been attacked by millions of
pornographic photos that were scattered everywhere. My good friend Valkiria Fox informed me that
these photos were jumping up and down and it was impossible to even walk around of how invaded it
got by these dirty photos. Luckily, Tempura officials were able to clean up the mess in a matter of
minutes and restore the peace. I just hope that these people get caught and banned not only from our
beautiful Tempura but from SL as well.

So what is this I stumbled on today?
A funny Haiku that my good friend Steppenwolf had made for me a while back but was being kept a
secret. I was so surprised that it had already 31 views :O
How did that happen?!
It was really a great surprise to find :))

Steppen, thank you, it really cheered me up ٩(•̮̮̃•̃)۶