Capturing Tempura #1

Working on my blog is one of my biggest joys, so when I get mail like MeganDonovan's...

"Lori I just got through looking at your Blog. Your work is amazing.
You are so talented and I hope that your journey continues with the same passion 
that comes through your work.  Kudos to you. Have an awesome day!"

I am so gratefully thankful that I can't stop jumping with joy...
Thank so much Megan, I super love you

So now let me explain this "Capturing Tempura #1" post. As you all already know I feel like I am part of
Tempura. You know, like one of the many specks of dust that are floating in the air on this beautiful island.
I dedicate most of my Second Life time to this beautiful place that I like to call home. I already have
created a section in the blog called  The Beautiful People where I like to introduce some of the people
that visit the Tai Chi circle. Now, I had the idea of adding a new Tempura section to the blog, which will
feature captured moments I can get from the visitors from the circle and any other part of the island.
What gave me the idea for this new section was the next photo you will see of this man leaning on the
edge of Tempura ballroom's rooftop. It is absolutely beautiful and I had been saving it for a while in my
Tempura folder not knowing what or how to use it in the blog. Then I thought, why not just simply use
it as a special beautiful moment captured by my lens. ;)

Give Me Wings To Fly.
... and I'll fly into my dreams and turn them into reality.
~ Lori Novo ~

Aedo Destiny

Looking Ahead
is my only goal.
For the past is gone... written... done.
But ahead into the future stands for me a clean canvas
where I am the artist and I'll be creating a masterpiece of all times.
~ Lori Novo ~

Holding the Light
is seeing the world in a beautiful way.
In the way, it is meant to be seen.
No shadows in the corners... no darkness on the side,
Only the beauty of the pure light that we all should leave lit in our hearts
to guide us in our lives.
~ Lori Novo ~

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