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First allow me to explain this photo. It was taken on my early days in Second Life back in May 2011. It was at a time when I was writing for my Pico Perfect Blog, a virtual world for kids. SL: Lori Novo still didn't exist so I was visiting SL and sharing with my "picos' all my SL adventures. HERE you will find the article this photo was used for. Now I bet you are wondering what this post is all about, right? Well, it is something that I saw in Strawberry Singh Blog where Strawberry invites other people to join in the fun, and so I did ;) I did miss the first meme she did last week but I am planning on still doing it even though I am running behind. 〷✤‿✤〷 |
- What is the rez date for your current SL Avatar that you use most often? Lori Novo ~ 8-29-2010
- Where was the first place you made friends as a newb and got to know people in Second Life? The very first friend I ever made was Luucinda (Kuro Okami) at Fields Of Gold, which I believe doesn't exist anymore :( This was back in May 2011 at a time when I was looking forward for solitude and she suddenly appeared in front of me. After that most of the friends I made were either from Japan Tempura Island or Quiet Irish Parklands. Luckily I still keep very close contact with most of them <3
- Where do you spend most of your SL time now? Japan, Tempura Island. I feel it like my 2nd, Second Life Home and like working from there on my blog.
- Who is your closest friend in Second Life? (only pick one) Juve Wheelwright and Valkira Fox (sorry I had to cheat on this one :P)
- What is the most favorite thing in your inventory? (only pick one) It is my Token Of Faith Necklace (Virgin Mary). It was a gift given to me by my dear friend Catero Revolution when I started Second Life. I consider it the most special thing I possess in SL.
- The last thing you purchased in Second Life? A skin from Akeruka
- What color clothing does your avatar wear most often? RED!
- Do you prefer to walk, run or fly? I need to fly because I am very impatient. However, when I am exploring a Sim, I do walk so I won't miss a thing.
- What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in SL? Go skinny-dipping... at midnight ... ALONE:P... and hoping I wouldn't get caught. I kept checking radar at first to see if anyone was close by but after awhile I was enjoying so much showing my cheeks to the moon that I didn't bother anymore.
- Who would you like to play YOU, in the movie of your SLife? Angelina Jolie
Japan Tempura Island is such a gorgeous sim and I love spending time there too. Although I admit I haven't much lately but it's definitely up there in my top favs.
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