...help me to breath! ... Written by Valkiria Fox



My beloved sister Lori already said about it many times, but I will say it again, cause it seems never to be enough.
How about trying stop pointing our fingers at the other's face? How about stop judging people for their real lives?
How about start trying to put ourselves on the other's place and being comprehensive with their suffering?
That's a beginning for pure love, and love is never enough. Love brings more love and is warm and contagious.
I think I can assume that except for the designers and people that work here on SL, many of us that are here
 are not really happy and fulfilled in our real lives. Some may want to throw stones on me for saying that,
but it's kind of obvious: if your real life is wonderful, what the hell are you doing here spending many hours inside this second life?
Talking to many people here and listening to their personal problems as well as talking about mine
I could perceive that we are here for many reasons, but also to try to ease real life suffering of every day
 and to perform things that by any reason we cannot do in our personal lives.
Many people here are in hospitals, many are not happy on their marriages, many are arrested,
many have any kind of disease or are not easy socially, many have psychological problems or are crippled,
and many, many other situations. Some are here just to be able to feel freedom. And dreams...each person has his/her own.
That's why you can see so many different kinds of personalities here, since the people that are just role-playing,
until people that enjoys slavery and sadism or masochism, people that wants to marry and have children,
people that wants to be animals, or furries, or desire to be mothers and fathers, or desire to be taken care as a child,
or want to take care of animals, or want to do orgies, or want to be any no human being, as ghosts, vampires, elves, robots, etc.
But what I can see through this all is that our society is lonely. Many times we spend more time here than with people that are around us. Why? Because we feel alone in the middle of a thousand people. Because our society just doesn't care with other's suffering.
We are cold as ice. Maybe we need to be cold as ice to survive,
maybe it's just a consequence of an empty society with each time less values,
a consume society.But as humans, we feel the necessity to have others around us.
The human being is a social being and is not prepared to live isolated. Maybe second life is a second chance.
A second chance to live what we cannot live in our real lives.
A second chance to try to distribute love, to love others as they are, to make this society here more human and more generous.
So, why spend time judging others and throwing all the trash on others?
Before doing that it would be nice to take a very big mirror and to put in front of us.
And try to see us, with our mistakes and our qualities, and see that we all have good things and bad things.
Real life is already too hard...let's try to make our second life a peaceful and nice place to be in.

-skin: Ewa: Mermaid no brow Siren - Al Vulo! (for the Dressing Room FUSION)
-eyes: That - Zy
-hair: Nana: G9 - Vanity Hair
-earrings, bracelets and necklace: Ocollection Cybergirl - FINESMITH 
(for a better price at Cosmopolitan Sale Room & SLebrity Shopping Street) 
-mask: Nameless - FINESMITH
-shoes: Bagani Suede Boots: Wild Pink - Hucci
-dress: Lidija Gown in Blue -  Junbug
-poses and photos location: LOVELYs Photo Studio
Model and photographer ~ Valkiria Fox

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