RICO'S TEA HOUSE... Written by Valkiria Fox


Valki is a chocolate monster. And as it happens every year, after all the chocolate she ate on Easter, 
she put on some weight. Now she needs to go on a diet :(
Diets are hard, they always put me in a bad mood. When I eat lettuce I feel such a bitter taste that I start 
to cry. Yes, food makes me smile and cry, I have an intense relationship with flavors and smells, tastes, colors. So when I have to deprive myself of eating, I start to dream about food, especially sweets and
chocolate. In my dreams, I can eat as much as I wish and I never get fat ^_^
So, if I dream about it when I go to sleep, why not do it on SL?
 And there is not a better place for this than Rico's Tea House. The Sim is gorgeous all around with much
nature and flowers, and the best, there is a coffee table able to please the most demanding food reverie. Chocolate cake, strawberry pie, colored macarons, breads, and many other different kinds of eating and drinking and all in such beautiful decor. It's a dream place!

Eat until you drop because you won't spin on the floor like a big ball!

 This week my
choice is
Illiana Chocolate Gown
(dress, stone bodice, earrings, and bracelet)
by Snowpaws

-skin: Sia - Mother Goose's (L$1 SKIN)
-eyes: That - Zyhra (No Longer Available)
-hair: Elaine: Dark Reds - Damselfly (OLD FREE HAIR FOR HAIR FAIR)
-eyelashes: Svea: Black - Zibska
-blush: Cutie Blush: Red (light) - Amacci
-gloves: Fine Gloves: Cherry - The Secret Store
-hat: Chapeau de chocolat: Paris Dark Chocolate - Enfant Terrible
-umbrella: Rain no rain umbrella: choco mint - BOOM
-shoes: NORA: BROWN - AHN-JI
-poses: Kollective 02: Nayra - Eternal Dream
-photos local: Rico's Tea House

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