My Writings,Steppenwolf Crescendo,Songs,Halloween,MK (monkeyking2011),On Location,Quotes & Poems,
"Oh, light go down
in the moment we're lost and found.
I just want to be by your side
if these wings could fly.
Oh, damn these walls
in the moment we're ten feet tall.
And how you told me after it all,
we'd remember tonight
for the rest of our lives."
-Song Lyrics
You are irreplaceable,
and totally,
irresistibly lovable!
~ Steppenwolf Crescendo ~
Dear Second Life,
So good to be back!
Missed you all so very much.
The above quote was a little something one of my friends sent to me on a day
I was feeling the worse and it really lifted my spirit.
Thank you so much to everyone for all your emails and in-world messages. I truly believe that
the best medicine is daily doses of love and I was getting these daily doses in BIG stirring spoons ;)
How cool is that!?
Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween. I am still kicking myself on the butt for missing it.
You all know how much I love posting all those spooky haunted houses that our great SL designers
put together for all of us every year.
DANG IT! >:(
Well, there is always next year!
I'm out of here for tonight beautiful world...
Sweet dreams!
Lori Novo
Glad you're back Lori...I'm sure lotsa people missed you...I know I did x
ReplyDeleteNot sure whether you've seen this, but Halloween Town was fantastic, like some pixar movie:
Thank you so much MK. It is great to be back. Since I missed all the haunted houses this year I am looking forward to the winter wonderlands. Hugs :)