And a Delicate Breeze Came To Dance With Her


Waving back goodbye at her mother and with a big smile on her face, 
eight-year-old Alice took her father's hand as they walked down the hill. 
Her daddy had planned a special happy day just for the both of them. 
He wanted her to enjoy the warmth of that autumn day by exploring the cinnamony-shade woods 
in the nearby forest. Little Alice skipped happily in front of her father mumbling a little melody 
as her eyes sparkled with sublime joy, her father watched her satisfied. 
"Daddy, look!", little Alice shouted back at him as she pointed her little finger at the flower 
that had bloomed through the thick, dry leaves that covered the ground.

Both father and daughter rapidly headed to the flower with excitement 
and once they reached it, they both stood in front of it gazing with wondrous disbelief. 
This had to be a unique flower since it had grown in the flowerless forest. 
Never before had anyone in the village seen any type of flower grow in this part of the woods. 
It had always been the perfect ground for strong tall trees to grow in 
but never had any of earth's stars dared to make it their home, however, this little brave flower did.

The little flower stood proud and strong creating a magical and beautiful contrast 
with her surroundings. Her multi-colored petals glimmered with the rays of the sun 
like colorful stained glass windows, releasing shiny and tiny playful rays of light through the woods. 
The little flower swiftly moved with the delicate breeze that had come to dance with her. 
Little Alice stood mesmerized by such rare beauty in silence as she held her father's hand.

Suddenly, her father walks up to the beautiful flower and without any hesitation, 
briskly cuts it away from the earth. Returning to his daughter's side, 
he places it on her brown curly hair and slowly starts walking away. 
Little Alice follows in silence with her head low as her eyes filled with tears.

She excuses herself from her parents as soon as they return to their small cabin 
and walks into her room, gently removing the flower from her hair. 
She carefully places it on her bedside table by her open small window 
and with sadness, she notices the little flower has started to wither. 
The colorful brightness of its petals had started to fade away 
and they no longer feel smooth like her mother's hands. 
Little Alice's tears start rolling down her blushed cheeks, 
falling on the flower as a big sense of hopelessness fills her little heart. 
She watches it from her pillow as night falls and in an apologizing sadness, 
she finally falls asleep.

The next morning, a colorful brightness wakes up little Alice 
making her jump out of her bed, and in amazement, she discovers that a rainbow 
has bloomed from her bedside table. Right where she had left the wither flower the night before, 
this beautiful rainbow had appeared. 
Looking out the window, she notices that the other end of the rainbow 
stops in the middle of the forest and hurriedly she puts on her shoes 
and starts running down the hill following the bright colorful arch as her parents follow right behind. 
An explosion of tiny playful rays of light welcomes them as they reach the end of the rainbow. 
It is the very same spot where she and her father had seen the beautiful rare flower the day before 
but now, the whole forest ground has been covered by the same tiny colorful flowers 
that swiftly move with the delicate breeze that had come to dance with them.

-Written by Lori Novo
Thanks For Reading!

Jan. 11 - Jan. 26

I am wearing from this round,

Sky Through Leaves Gown
by Two Foxes
(Available in 3 Colors / Demo Available)


 Le Sacre du Printemps Poses
by {NANTRA} 
(6 Poses Sold Separately or In Complete Set/ Mirrored Included)

TP to The Instruments  ♥ Blog ♥ Flickr ♥ FaceBook

♥ Skin ~ Enya * Tan ~ WoW Skins & Shapes 
Blush ~ #2 ~ :Sugar:
Lips ~ Fall Pink Lips (FREE) ~ Eyelure
Hair ~ Venus ~ Exile
♥ Eyes ~ Ardent * Clarity (Medium) ~ Ikon Eyes
Jewelry ~ (Made by me using flowers from the hair)
Location ~ The Keys (Adult)
Model & Photographer ~ Lori Novo


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