A Brief Encounter

Hello Beautiful World!
Me again :P I've been going through my saved pictures and I really want to share them all with you
before setting up my new iMac and I start taking new ones. I found these three that go back 
to the year 2017.

The first one was around the end of June 2017 on the night I met Peter Jackson.
Peter was a great Second Life photographer that had been following my work on Flickr for a while.
At the time I wasn't coming to Second Life. I was going through a very rough time due
to my mother's death. and I would receive messages from Peter showing genuine concern
for my well-being. So one night after receiving one of his messages, I decided to return to
Second Life, two days after I did, I finally met Peter when we ran into each other in a
beautiful sim we both loved.

This second picture was taken on the third day after we met.
He looked so serious that day that I wanted to make him smile so I decided to wear a mustache that
I had bought at some store thinking that maybe one day it would come in handy.
and I wasn't wrong, it did. It made Mr. Peter not smile, but laugh.

After that day, I would often wear my mustache while chatting with Mr. Peter, 
I really don't know why. Maybe to keep him smiling.

Our friendship didn't last very long. It ended just as fast as it had started even though
we had planned to create poses together, he was gonna teach me how to make them and I was
really excited about it.

I got to say that one thing I can be thankful for when it comes to Peter Jackson is that
his messages in a way gave me the courage, the little push I needed to want to return to 
Second Life otherwise I don't know how much longer I would have stayed away.

Unfortunately, Peter deleted his Flickr account and with that, his beautiful photography was gone
which was very sad to me. He had been an inspiration for me with his work and as far as I know,
he also left Second Life.

People come and people go leaving behind lessons that always help us to improve
our lives. They leave behind memories sometimes sweet, other times these memories
can be painful when they show us a side of ourselves that we didn't know, filling us with shame. 
But no matter the lessons and memories, they happen importantly enough to change us in some way,
always for the better.

Thanks for reading!
Lori Novo

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