Is there such a thing as unnecessary shopping?
Hello Beautiful Second Life!
Hope you all had a beautiful Saturday, now tell me, can you recognize my location in the pictures?
Don't worry, I'll be giving you the answer at the end of this post.
Yesterday as I stood in front of the store display, I faced the hard decision of which color/colors
to buy since I loved all fifteen of them. I had made the promise that I would no longer
go overboard buying fatpacks on some of the items I liked the most.
I found myself debating between red, which is Steppenwolf's favorite color on me, and black,
which not too long ago was a color I didn't like wearing at all but now I am starting to like a lot.
"You may not often see me wearing black because
for me it has a negative effect. It brings my spirit down..."
-Lori Novo (Blog Post)
I now stand corrected and bite my tongue, OUCH!
Anyway, as I stood there trying to make a decision between black and red suddenly and very slowly my left
eye caught a glimpse of the yellow one that also looked very pretty, and right next to it, holding hands
were peach and light blue, which are two of my top favorite colors. "Dang it, you guys are not helping
at all. Turn around and stop showing me how beautiful you all are!"
Now the blouse on display was might pretty that getting it in just only one or two colors
felt so unfair and almost painful. So I stood there for about twenty minutes, seriously, not kidding,
trying to make a decision, and since I couldn't limit my choices to just two, I ended up getting the
beautiful blouse in five different colors. Will I ever get to wear them all? Probably not!
But they sure make my wardrobe look like a very happy colorful rainbow. ;)
Yes, I do tend to buy fatpacks on many of the items I liked the most during weekend sales.
I usually end up with at least five every weekend. However, this weekend I stopped myself
from making such purchases and was able to reduce the number of fatpacks I bought.
Can you guess how many I got? Answer at the end of the post. :P
Another one of my bad shopping habits is buying items that look very similar to each other,
for example, hair. Hair is the number one item in my wardrobe, so I have styles from different
designers that look very similar to each other and the only difference between them may be
a tiny wisp of hair here and there.
Now how about those items we buy just because they are being offered to us
at very low irresistible prices by our favorite designers but that we really don't like? For me,
one of them has to be Truth Hair. I have to say though, Truth was, is, and will always be my
favorite hair designer. And with that said, I will add that I do love most of his beautiful hair creations,
a strong 95%. However, there have been very few times when I did not like the hair being offered
during the weekend sales but since it was a Truth's creation, I still went ahead and bought it
knowing very well that I wouldn't be wearing it.
Now, if I were to sit down and plan a better way to shop, I would be saving a lot of Lindens
and would not be hoarding so much unnecessary stuff in my inventory that keeps screaming for help.
So the answer to the previous question, "Is there such a thing as unnecessary shopping?", the answer is
yes. It is not necessary to buy every single item we like or items we do not like simply because they
are being offered at low prices or by our favorite designers. I did take my buying "at least five fatpacks"
down to only three this week which makes me feel very proud of myself.
I understand that shopping is one of the favorite things to do in Second Life for most of us, especially
during the weekends when we are dying with anticipation in finding those WOW items from our
favorite designers. The thing is to set limits on how much we are willing to spend per store, event,
or better yet, for the whole weekend. Also, not everything that catches our eye is guaranteed to be enjoyable
after we purchase it. If you only knew the many times I bought an item that I thought was a WOW to later say
"OMG, what was I thinking!".
Now, I think it very carefully and rethink it again before I purchase something.
Is it something that I can use and reuse again and in different ways and combine with other things?
Is it something that I can excitedly and with an "I can't wait to wear it and wear it again!" say?
Is it something that is not a "Just in case I ever need it"?
And finally, now I do rate everything I buy from 1 to 10. If is less than an eight, it is not for me.
However, I have shown some mercy to a few poor sevens that got to make it in. Omg, I am such an angel! :P
So bottom line, it is best to have a smaller inventory in Second Life but filled only with items
that can score a perfect ten, with a few nines and top eights, than to have a packed inventory with
ones, twos, threes... well, you get it. Now, let's see if I can live by what I preach. :P
My location, David Heather Mainstore (Moderate)

Credits On Me
MOVEMENT- My Heels Collection - Shopping Bags
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