Don't tell me you have NEVER had an embarrassing moment happen to you in Second Life?
Come on, you can tell me, trust me, I won't tell anyone :p
I myself had so many that I already lost count. I don't mind sharing them with you,
though. You all already know what a goofball I am. You can laugh if you want, I don't
mind. I laugh at myself all the time. Of course, I have to admit it, though,
at the moment they happen, I just want to die. Sometimes I'll just lose it during
the moment and I will get a laugh attack. What else can I do, I am so clueless that
I never finish amusing myself.
This will be the first SLoopsie from my long list of embarrassing moments
that I will be sharing with you.
At the beginning of my friendship with Grubby, he was the only person
I would run to every time I had a problem. One day I decided to visit a store where
all the items were either free or L$1. After I had obtained a few items, I was eager to
try them on. I went down the list one by one trying each thing and wearing
every single item included in each folder.
Suddenly I had to step away from my computer for a few minutes and on my return,
I noticed my Avi was scratching herself... "down there".
I know I know, so un-ladylike. Terrified I tried everything to make her stop doing
that. However, I couldn't figure out what was causing it.
Suddenly I noticed Grubby logging in and immediately I IMed him.
I told him my Avi kept "like" scratching and I couldn't make it stop.
He asked me where was I scratching, and I told him I was too embarrassed to say.
Suddenly he sent me a teleport to his location. I kept telling him that I didn't want him to
see me like that but he insisted. He said he had to see what I was doing in order to
be able to help me.
So after a while, I got the courage to show him and I went to him.
There I am standing in front of Grubby and scratching constantly.
He stood there looking at me without saying a word. I felt like I wanted to crawl
under a rock and die. I could just imagine him laughing at me on the other side of his screen. :(
After a long silence, he finally said we would figure out what was causing my problem.
He guided me through several steps trying to figure out the problem but nothing
seemed to work. He then told me to remove my AO to see if that was what caused
me to keep scratching and gave me a new one, but still, the scratching continued.
After trying over and over again everything he can possibly think of,
he asked me to check under "My Appearance" to see what I was wearing.
I carefully went down the list and suddenly there it was, like a slap to the face
looking back at me and sticking its tongue out... Itching Crotch!!!
Grubby was waiting for me to say what I had found in my "Wearing" list.
Feeling extremely embarrassed, I kept trying to figure out how to tell him what I had
discovered without seeming so dumb. Finally, after trying unsuccessfully to avoid
having to say it, I finally came out and just said... " I don't know how but I am wearing
an animation called "Itching Crotch :( ".
He laughed, but just a little, and then proceeded to assure me that the embarrassing
situation hadn't been THAT bad..... yeah right :P
As you can imagine, now I double and even triple-check every single item that I am gonna wear.
Since that day I haven't been able to look grubby in the eyes. :(