AFK In Style


Now we can all go AFK in style thanks to Precious Restless
from Vita's Boudoir. She so cleverly came up with two great "AFK" Creations...

Wearable Skeleton
by Precious Restless
This wearable and very handsome skeleton
can hold you in his arms while you go away from your computer.


Deluxe Wearable Toilet
Animated Squirrels and Falling Leaves ;)
by Precious Restless
But if you want to be more specific of 
why you are stepping away from your friends,
perhaps to make a quick visit to the office ;)
we all need to go at one time or another :P
This elegant wearable toilet is the perfect
AFK alternative for you.

"The Thing" Walking Hand Avatar
by Precious Restless
Can someone please give me a hand?
LOL, just kidding :P
This cool walking hand avatar has nothing to do with AFK 
I know, 
but isn't it so cool?

I am still keeping my AFK Paper Bag
courtesy of Viviane Fashion
for those bad hair days.

PHOTO CREDIT FOR PHOTOS 2-3-4; Vita's Boudoir